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《堀与宫村 piece》高清在线观看- 全集动漫- 创佳影视
But in the early years, the brain is like a sponge. Literally, you're absorbing. And it's more than a sponge. It's a sponge. And it gets all these neurons activated. You see different stimuli, you see music here, you see reading over there, you see sports here, see all these different things. And then what happens, you either use those neurons that you develop, or you lose them. As we don't use those neurons, we basically then phase them out. We can see that in neurological studies where some very brilliant studies by neuroscientists in France and other places have shown how, as people learn, they will replace certain parts of the same areas of the brain, something like quantitative knowledge, will you replace more sophisticated quantitative knowledge with less sophisticated. And you can see it in the formation of gray matter, connectivity among different neurons, and in building the circuits that help define our thought and feeling process. So, the early years where the family is sort of encouraging that, have really been taken for granted by many, many cultures. We assume the family plays this role. They produce the children. But now let's take another environment, take the extreme environment with no order. You're free to choose whatever you want. So, the child, there's no sense that you're going to impose any will on the child. So, here you have this little kid. The kid's free to do whatever you want. You could spoil the child. You could do whatever you, you're not going to try to teach the child anything in particular. If you can't count on the family to teach, then you can, in fact, hinder the development of that child.
原创2022-08-08 09:33·小路瞎聊车共情别人之前请一定要先保护好自己!网友:防人之心不可无《堀与宫村 piece》高清在线观看- 全集动漫- 创佳影视