再说说感情问题。这段时间,单身的兔兔们可要当心了。木气旺盛,你们的桃花运也跟着水涨船高。别以为这是好事,这可是个坑!一不小心就容易陷进去,难以自拔。所以,哪怕遇到心动的对象,也要保持理智,别被一时冲动害了。For those who are unbothered at the prospect of having aluminum in their deodorant, any OG Dove stick is standard. I’d used this for years before switching because it doesn’t leave stains on my underarms, is nonirritating (no baking soda), and gets the job done so well, it’s scary. You smell like nothing but a light wash of generic florals and fruit. Don’t take it from just me: This stick has a 4.7 out of 5-star rating on Target, which is hard to get when it comes to deodorant. If you’re wondering, yes, I did test its 48-hour claim, and it’s good for it. Pro tip: If you apply antiperspirant at night, it’s most effective; more of those sweet, sweet aluminum particles can plug up the open sweat holes.