近年来,过度包装、“天价”月饼等问题,既造成资源浪费、环境污染,又损害了广大消费者利益。对此,市场监管总局多措并举,依法纠正了一批生产经营过度包装商品的行为,并公布了一批整治行动典型案例。何炅汪涵陪台领导喝茶聊天,素颜何老师憔悴苍老,与台上判若两人原创2022-05-21 04:44·八卦宝宝PLUS5月20日下午,有网友在湖南广播电视台偶遇何炅跟汪涵,两位台柱级别的主持人跟同事一起喝茶聊天。正对镜头的何老师憔悴了许多,引发不少网友感慨:何老师老了,我也长大了!也许是因为没有化妆的缘故,48岁的何炅没有了舞台上的精气神,整个人十分干瘦,黑眼圈跟泪沟、法令纹都相当明显。过去两年,何老师先后经历了收礼风波、《快乐大本营》停播、79岁父亲成老赖等事件,人生陷入了低迷,曾被媒体拍到抱着周迅痛哭的画面。不知道是不是因为压力过大,导致他整体状态下滑。也有网友指出,也许这才是何老师最真实的一面,镁光灯下的他,只是用化妆品包装出年轻的模样。相关视频曝光后,有人发现跟何炅汪涵一起聊天的人,其实是湖南台的高层。坐在汪涵对面、戴着眼镜的年轻男子,是芒果超媒的董事、总经理蔡怀军,他同时也是芒果TV的总裁,江湖人称蔡总。画面中,蔡总正在侃侃而谈,汪涵表现随意,翘着二郎腿,腰部放松靠在椅背上,将手机夹在双腿中间,右手不停摆动,与正襟危坐的何炅形成鲜明对比。何炅就像乖巧的学生一样,双手一同搭在膝盖上,紧紧握着手机,眼睛一直盯着蔡总,仿佛非常担心错过对方的重要信息。坐在蔡总旁边的黑衣男子,则是《快乐大本营》的第一位导演宋点,他后来转任制片人,前后一共干了八年,可以说是《快本》的创始人。离开《快本》之后,宋点还制作过《勇往直前》《智勇大冲关》《阳光伙伴》《全家一起上》《我在你身边》等节目,现为湖南卫视的频道总监。如此看来,此次何炅跟汪涵与电视台高层聊天,并不是普通聚会,网友猜测可能跟两位台柱的最新工作有关。汪涵主持的《天天向上》以及何炅主持的《快乐大本营》曾是湖南卫视两档王牌节目,不过因为种种原因,《快乐》已经消失了,《天天向上》也进行大换血。5月18日,湖南卫视、芒果TV发布2022综艺片单,《天天向上》新兄弟团官宣,只保留汪涵一个核心主持人,其余兄弟换成了齐思均、吴泽林、张颜齐、丁真、沙宝亮、潘粤明、胡海泉、王祖蓝等。而取代《快乐大本营》的《你好,星期六》也公布了全新嘉宾名单,何炅依旧是灵魂人物,赵小棠、檀健次、秦霄贤、蔡文静等人将加盟与何老师合作。无论汪涵还是何炅,都要带领着全新的合作伙伴向前冲,压力与挑战并存,唯有不断努力拼搏了。
renjiaoxinqidiansannianjixiacezhongdiandanci+zhishizhongdianyuanchuang2022-03-06 12:59·xiamo0310renjiaoxinqidiansannianjixiace Unit1 zhishihuizongyi、cihuiChinese yuwen;hanyu(de)English yingyu(de)science kexuePE tiyumusic yinlemaths shuxueart yishucomputer class jisuanjikewe womenthat na,nageer、juzi1. -- What classes do you have on Monday? nimenxingqiyiyoushimeke?-- We have English and music. womenyouyingyuheyinle。2. -- What classes do you have on Monday? nimenxingqiyiyoushimeke?-- We have Chinese, art and science. womenyouyuwen,meishuhekexue。3. -- Do you like PE? nixihuantiyuma?-- Yes, I do. shide,woxihuan。4. We have five PE classes and three science classes a week.womenyizhouyouwujietiyukehesanjiekexueke。5. Tuesday is my favourite day. xingqiershiwozuixihuandeyitian。6. We have maths, Chinese, PE and science on Tuesday.womenxingqieryoushuxue,yuwen,tiyuhekexue。san、juxingjiegou1. -- What classes do you have on + xingqi?-- We have + xuekemingcheng.eg: -- What classes do you have on Friday? nimenxingqiwuyoushimeke?-- We have Chinese, art, English and PE.womenyouyuwen,meishu,yingyuhetiyu。2. -- Do you like + kemumingcheng?-- Yes, I do.No, I don’t.eg: -- Do you like English? nixihuanyingyuma?-- Yes, I do. shide,woxihuan。-- Do you like maths? nixihuanshuxuema?-- No, I don’t. bu,wobuxihuan。renjiaoxinqidiansannianjixiaceUnit2zhishihuizongyi、cihuiclassroom jiaoshilibrary tushuguantoilet cesuo,xishoujianplayground caochang,yundongchangfirst diyidesecond dierdethird disandefloor (lou)cengroom fangjianour womendethey tamenchair yizidesk shuzhuo;xiezitaiblackboard heibaner、juzi1. -- Do you have a computer room in your school?nimenxuexiaoyoujisuanjishima?-- No, we don’t. But we have computers in our classroom.bu,womenmeiyou。danshiwomenjiaoshiliyoudiannao。2. -- Do you have a library in your school? nimenxuexiaoyoutushuguanma?-- Yes, we do. It’s on the first floor. shide,womenyou。tazaiyilou。3. We love our school. womenaiwomendexuexiao。4. We have a science room, an art room and a library on the first floor.zaiyilouwomenyouyijiankexuejiaoshi,yijianmeishujiaoshiheyigetushuguan。5. -- Where is it? tazaina?-- It’s on the first floor. tazaiyilou。6. Don’t eat in the computer room. biezaijisuanjishichidongxi。7. Please wear sports shoes in the gym. qingzaitiyuchanglichuanyundongxie。san、juxingjiegou1. -- Do you have + a/ an + xuexiaosheshimingcheng?-- Yes, we do. No, we don’t.eg: -- Do you have a music room? nimenyouyinlejiaoshima?-- Yes, we do. shide,womenyou。2. It’s on the + xushuci floor.eg: It’s on the second floor. tazaierlou。3. Don’t + dongci(duanyu)yuanxing(+qita).eg: Don’t shout in the hospital. buyaozaiyiyuandashengxuanhua。4. Please dongci(duanyu)yuanxing(+qita).Please do your homework withe black pen. qingyongheisebixiejiatingzuoye。renjiaoxinqidiansannianjixiaceUnit3zhishihuizongyi、cihuiafter school fangxuehouplay sports zuoyundongdraw pictures huahuaplay chess xiaqidance tiaowusing songs changgeread books dushureally queshitomorrow mingtianwake up jiaoxingbe back huilaiplay football tizuqiufly a kite fangfengzuoride a bike qizixingcheswim youyongmake a model plane zuofeijimoxingmake a snowman duixuerener、juzi1. -- What are you going to do after school? fangxuehounidasuanzuoshime?-- I’m going to play sports after school. fangxuehouwodasuanquzuoyundong。2. -- What’s he going to do after school? fangxuehoutadasuanzuoshime?-- He’s going to read books after school. fangxuehoutadasuankanshu。3. -- What’s Lily going to do? lilidasuanzuoshime?-- She’s going to sing a song. tadasuanquchangge。4. Tomorrow morning I’m going to get up at six o’clock.mingtianzaoshangwodasuanliudianqichuang。5. I’m going to play chess with Bill at four o’clock.wodasuansidianhebierxiaxiangqi。san、juxingjiegou1. -- What are you going to do(+qita)?-- I’m going to + dongci(duanyu)yuanxing(+qita).eg: -- What are you going to do tomorrow? nimingtiandasuanzuoshime?-- I’m going to go shopping with my mother. wodasuanhemamayiqiqugouwu。2. -- What’s he/ she/ renminggoing to do(+qita)?-- He/ She is going to + dongci(duanyu)yuanxing(+qita).eg: -- What’s he going to do? tadasuanzuoshime?-- He’s going to go boating. tadasuanquhuachuan。3. zhuyu + be (am/ is/ are) + going to + dongci(duanyu)yuanxing(+qita).eg: Lisa is going to make a snowman. lisadasuanduigexueren。renjiaoxinqidiansannianjixiaceUnit4zhishihuizongyi、cihuifamily jiatinguncle gufu;bofu;jiufu;shushuaunt gumu;bomu;jiuma;ayicousin tang(huobiao)xiongdi;tang(huobiao)jiemeihandsome yingjundebeautiful meilidelost yishiwater bottle shuipingknow zhidaoOK haode;xingmuch henduodi;feichangwelcome shouhuanyingdegrandfather (wai)zufugrandmother (wai)zumufather fuqin;babamother muqin;mamabrother xiong;disister jie;meier、juzi1. -- Is she your aunt? tashiniguguma?-- Yes, she is. shide,tashi。2. -- Is that man your father? nagenanrenshinibabama?-- No, he isn’t. He’s my uncle. bu,tabushi。tashiwogufu。3. She’s beautiful. tahenpiaoliang。4. Can you help me? ninengbangwoma?5. -- What does he look like? tachangdeshimeyang?-- He has short hair and big eyes. tayouzhuoduantoufahedayanjing。6. -- Is he tall? tagaoma?-- No, he’s short. bu,tahenai。7. -- Thank you very much. feichangganxie。-- You’re welcome. bukeqi。san、juxingjiegou1. -- Is + he/ she/ ren + your chenghu?-- Yes, he/ she is. No, he/ she isn’t.eg: -- Is that girl your sister? nagenvhaiershinidemeimeima?-- Yes, she is. shide,tashi。2. -- What does he/ she look like?-- He/ She has + renwutezheng.eg: -- What does he look like? tachangdeshimeyang?-- He has blue eyes and round face. tayoulansedeyanjingheyuanyuandelian。3. -- Is he/ she + biaoshirenwutezhengdexingrongci? -- Yes, he/ she is. No, he/ she isn’t.eg: -- Is she thin? tahenshouma?-- Yes, she is. shide,tahenshou。renjiaoxinqidiansannianjixiaceUnit5zhishihuizongyi、cihuicooking dinner zhengzaizuofanwalking the dog zhengzaizuogouwatering the plants zhengzaigeizhiwujiaoshuicleaning the room zhengzaidasaofangjianlistening to music zhengzaitingyinlewatching TV zhengzaikandianshifeeding the fish zhengzaiweiyuplay with yu......wanshuaan one hour yixiaoshizhihoueveryone meiren;renrenchildren haizimenrun paoer、juzi1. -- What are you doing? nizhengzaizuoshime?-- I’m watching TV. wozhengzaikandianshi。2. -- What’s your sister doing? nijiejiezhengzaizuoshime?-- She is cleaning her room. tazhengzaidasaotadefangjian。3. -- What’s grandma’s doing? nainaizhengzaizuoshime?-- She’s feeding the fish. tazhengzaiweiyu。4. The children are playing in the park. haizimenzhengzaigongyuanliwan。5. Li Lei is flying a kite. lileizhengzaifangfengzuo。6. Zhou Meng is playing football with his brother. zhoumingzhengzaihetadediditiqiu。san、juxingjiegou1. -- What + be (am/ is/ are) + rencheng + doing?-- rencheng + be (am/ is/ are) + dongmingci(duanyu)(+qita).eg: -- What is your father doing? nidebabazhengzaizuoshime?-- He is reading newspaper. tazhengzaikanbaozhi。2. rencheng + be (am/ is/ are) + dongmingci(duanyu)(+qita).eg: Cathy is cooking. kaisezhengzaizuofan。Mike is washing her hand. maikezhengzaixishou。renjiaoxinqidiansannianjixiaceUnit6zhishihuizongyi、cihuihome jia;jiatingbedroom woshiliving room ketingdining room cantingstudy shufangkitchen chufangfor rent gongchuzusofa shafalight deng;faguangtibed chuang;chuangjia;chuangdiandoor men;churukoubox xiangzi;hezier、juzi1. -- Where is my aunt? woguguzainali?-- She’s in the kitchen. tazaichufangli。2. -- What’s she doing? tazhengzaizuoshime?-- She’s cooking with mu mum. tazhengzaihewomamazuofan。3. Your living room is so nice. nideketingzhenhaokan。4. There is a kitchen, a dining room and a bathroom. youyigechufang,yijiancantingheyigeweishengjian。5. There are two bedrooms. youliangjianwoshi。6. In the living room there is a big TV and a new sofa. zaiketingyouyigedadianshiheyigexinshafa。san、juxingjiegou1. -- Where + be (am/ is/ are) + ren?-- rencheng + didian.eg: -- Where is your brother? nigegezainali? -- He’s in the study. tazaishufang。-- Where are you? nizainali?-- I’m in the bedroom. wozaiwoshi。2. There is/ are + ren/ wu(+qita).eg: There are four people in our family. womenjiayousikouren。There is a big garden behind our house. womenjiahoumianyouyigedahuayuan。changqijiechuhuosherujiaquan,zekenengzengjiahuanaizhengdefengxian,tebieshibiyanaihebaixuebing。ciwai,jiaquanhuankenengduiganzang、shenzangdengqiguanzaochengsunhai,yingxiangshenjingxitonggongneng。