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「奥运热词科普」顶流冰墩墩的英文为什么不是Bing Dun Dun原创2022-02-14 17:45·火山翻译随着2022北京冬奥会开幕两大吉祥物冰墩墩、雪容融火速成为顶流(go like hot cakes)但冰墩墩的英文却并不是Bing Dun Dun雪容融也不叫Xue Rong Rong原因是英语中没有与汉语发音直接相对应的音节例如Bing Dun Dun可能被外国友人读成冰铛铛因此两大吉祥物有着贴合英语发音规律的专属英文名2022冬奥会(The 2022 Winter Olympics) 吉祥物「冰墩墩」的英文名是「Bing Dwen Dwen」其中dw发音可参考单词dwell的前半部分In Mandarin Chinese, "Bing" has several meanings, though the most common is ice. The word also symbolises purity and strength, while Dwen Dwen means robust and lively.(文字源于奥运会官网)在普通话中冰有多种含义最常见的是冰雪但它也象征着纯洁和坚强而墩墩意为健壮、活泼不过考虑到冰墩墩最初的设计灵感来源于冰糖葫芦也有人认为:The name of Bing Dwen Dwen possibly means ice hulu, as 墩 in its name is a homophone of 礅 in the word 糖礅 in Tianjin dialect, meaning tanghulu, the prototype of the mascot. (文字源于维基百科)冰墩墩的名字可能是‘冰糖葫芦’的意思因为它名字中的‘墩’与天津方言中‘糖礅’的‘礅’字同音是‘糖葫芦’的意思也是吉祥物的原型2022冬残奥会(2022 Paralympic Winter Games)吉祥物「雪容融」叫作「Sheuy Rhon Rhon」由于xue在英文中并没有合适的音节与之直接对应因此英译为Sheuy更加符合英语人士的发音习惯"Shuey" has the same pronunciation as the Chinese character for snow, while the first "Rhon" in Chinese Mandarin means ‘to include, to tolerate’. The second "Rhon" means ‘to melt, to fuse’ and ‘warm.’(文字源于奥运会官网)Shuey与汉字雪的发音相同(象征洁白、美丽)而第一个容意味着包容、宽容第二个融意味着融化、融合、温暖此外雪容融脸上的雪也有着瑞雪兆丰年的美好寓意:A fall of seasonable snow gives promise of a fruitful year.那么国外是如何报道冰墩墩雪容融热潮的呢1)all the rage 风靡E.g. A fluffy panda mascot is all the rage at the Winter Olympics!毛茸茸的熊猫吉祥物风靡冬季奥运会2)an Olympics memento 奥运纪念品E.g. He wants to collect the panda mascot as an Olympics memento.他想收集熊猫吉祥物作为奥运会纪念品3)one Dwen at each family 一户一墩E.g. One Dwen at each family became a trending topic.一户一墩成了热门话题4)speed up production 加速生产E.g. The manufacturers are speeding up production to meet the demand.制造商正加速生产以满足市场需求5)in short supply 供不应求E.g. Plush versions of the panda mascot of the Beijing Winter Olympics are in short supply with fans waiting for hours, often lining up at stores before opening time, to buy the souvenir.北京冬奥会的熊猫吉祥物毛绒玩具供不应求粉丝们常在商店营业前排队数小时以抢购吉祥物纪念品温馨提示:本期外语报道及评论均在「火山翻译」处理的基础上稍加修改形成中文译文