「人格与动机」那些心理学中的好词好句-来自阿尔弗雷德.阿德勒原创2022-06-02 13:00·草头连东女学习心理学其实是为了让我在遇到问题时能够找到化解自己心理情绪的方法,并不是为了研究他人,还是为了服务我自己。看到这些很不错的文字,来自我《人格与动机》心理学的课件,是阿尔弗雷德?阿德勒 (心理学家)一些名人名言吧 ,分享下,温暖别人的也会温暖我自己,人要学会鼓励自己,尤其是在没人鼓励和支持自己的时候,更要学会持续给自己打气的能力 to my son also to myself:Follow your heart but take your brain withyou。跟随你的心,但也别忘了带上你的大脑。Trust only movement.life happens at thelevel of events, not of words. Trust movement。只相信行动,生命是发生在事件这个层次上,不是话语,相信行动You can be healed of depression if everyday you begin the frst thing in the morining to consider how you will bring areal joy to someone else.如果你每天早上都会思考如何给别人带来真正的快乐,你就可以治愈抑郁。Life is just the same as learning to swim.Do not be afraid of making mistakes, for there is no other way of learning howto live!生活就像学习游泳一样。不要害怕犯错误,因为没有其他的方法来学习如何生活!There is a courage of happiness as well asa courage of sorrow.快乐需要勇气,哀伤也需要勇气It is easier to fight for one’s principlesthan to live up to them.为原则而战比实践原则更容易。Men of genius are admired. Men of wealthare envied. Men of power are feared: but only men of character are trusted.天才是受人钦佩的,富有的,人是令人羡慕的。有权力的人是让人害怕的,但只有有品格的人才值得信任的。I am grateful for the idea that has used me.My psychology belong to everyone.我对这样的情况心怀感激:我的心理学属于每个人。Everything can always be different!每件事都可以是不同的!All failures- neurotics, psychotics,criminals,drunkards, problem children,suicides,perverts,and prostitutes-arefailures because they are lacking in social interest,To be human means to feel inferior.所有的失败——神经学、精神病、罪犯、酗酒、问题儿童、自杀、变态和妓女——都是失败的,因为他们缺乏社交兴趣,生而为人就会有自卑。Nobodyadopts antisocial behaviour unless they fear that they will fail if they remainon the social side of life.没有人会采取反社会的行为,除非他们担心如果他们继续生活在社会的边缘,他们会失败。Alie would have no sense unless the truth were felt as dangerous.除非真相被认为是危险的,否则谎言是没有意义的。Play is a child’s work and this is not a trivial pursuit.玩耍是孩子会做的是,但这不是一件小事。Theonly worthwhile achievements of man are those which are socially useful.人类唯一有价值的成就是那些对社会有益的成就。Overcomingdifficulties leads to courage, self-respect, and knowing yourself.克服困难会带来勇气、自尊和对自己的了解Mathemtics is purelanguage-the language of science. It is unique among language in it ability toprovide precise expression for every thought or concept that can be formulatedin its terms.数学是纯粹的语言-科学的语言。它在语言中是独一无二的,它可以为思想或者概念提供精确地可计算的表达方式。There is only one reason for an individualto side-step to the useless side: the fear of a defeat on the useful side.一个人选择无用的原因只有一个:对失败的恐惧。只有一个:对失败的恐惧。