


2024年12月22日,动力上,山海T2搭载的是第五代ACTECO 1.5TGDI高效混动专用发动机+电动机组成的插电混动系统,发动机的最大功率115千瓦,最大扭矩220牛·米,系统综合功率280千瓦,综合扭矩610牛·米。另外,山海T2还采用了鲲鹏超能电混C-DM系统,中、低配电池容量26.7千瓦时,纯电续航129公里;高配电池容量43.24千瓦时,纯电续航208公里,综合续航可达1300公里以上,我们实拍的是高配车型。


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“黑科技”亮相!来绵阳感受来自东方的神秘力量2022-11-18 22:24·中国日报网“机器狗”、高科技消防车、智能保安……高精尖、黑科技、自主研发……不仅是“中国制造”,更是“中国创造”今天,全世界的目光投向这里:中国西部,四川绵阳Not only Made in China, but also Created in China.Today, the attention of the world is on this place:Mianyang, Sichuan, China-点击视频,感受展会盛况-2022年11月16日,第十届中国(绵阳)科技城国际科技博览会在四川省绵阳市开幕。On November 16, 2022, the 10th China(Mianyang) Science &Technology City International High-Tech Expo opened in Mianyang, Sichuan Province.本届科博会以“科技引领·创新创业·合作共享”为主题,邀请阿根廷担任主宾国,采取“线下+线上”相结合的形式举办,在线下设置了2个室内展馆和室外展场,展览面积共3万平方米。With the theme of "Science&Technology Leading·Innovation&Entrepreneurship·Cooperation&Sharing" this year's Expo invites Argentina as the guest of honor and is held in the form of offline& online. The offline exhibition area consists of 2 indoor halls and an outdoor field with a total exhibition area of 30,000 square meters.本次展会重点展示科技部、主宾国、科研院所、知名高校、科技创新公司等6个方面的创新成果,邀请组织参展公司428家、展品4150余件。这也是近3年来科博会首次设立线下展览。The High-Tech Expo mainly focuses on the innovation achievements of the Ministry of Science and Technology, the guest of honor, research institutes, famous universities, science and technology innovation enterprises, etc., with 428 exhibitors and more than 4,150 exhibits. It is also worth mentioning that this is the first offline Science &Technology City International High-Tech Expo exhibition in nearly three years.此次展会上,众多黑科技产物悉数亮相,展现了惊人的“中国创造”力。让SICC带你“云”探展,一睹究竟吧!At the exhibition, many black technology products have been unveiled, showing the amazing creative power of China. Let’s explore the expo and see what it is all about with SICC!展会上最引人注目的是一只“机器狗”——由中国兵器装备集团五八所自主研制的四足仿生机器人。The most striking thing at the expo is a "robot dog" - a four-legged bionic robot produced by the 58th Research Institute of China Armament Equipment Group in Mianyang.它外形酷似一只“机器狗”,具有呆萌的“脑袋”和灵活的“四肢”。它前面搭载光学和雷达装置,就像“眼睛”;在上方搭载的是一些载荷,机载武器可以根据任务需求来变换,具有高机动、大负载、多地形适应性等特点。It looks like a dog, with a cute "head" and flexible "limbs". It is equipped with optical and radar devices in front to be the eyes, and some of the loads above, from which on-board weapons can be changed according to mission requirements. Therefore, the "dog" has the characteristics of high mobility, large load, multi-terrain adaptability etc.“机器狗”在实战当中扮演战士们的助理和搭档的角色,在地下管道、洞穴、丛林区域等复杂环境下,能执行抵近侦察监视、火力清缴、协同打击、危险物品处理和资源运输保障等不同作战任务。This robot plays the role of assistant and partner of the warriors in the actual combat, and can perform different combat tasks such as close reconnaissance and surveillance, coordinated combat, and resource transportation in complex environments.此外,还有高科技的101米登高平台消防车。In addition, there is a high-tech 101m aerial platform fire engine.它具备超大工作空间和出众的400kg负载能力,能快速建立以灭火为基础的多种作战资源投放通道,高效输送消防人员、各种作战装备以及快速疏散被困群众。大流量消防泵炮辅以伸缩水路,可以强力应对高层建筑火灾。With a large working space and outstanding 400kg load capacity, it can quickly establish a variety of combat resource delivery channels and efficiently transport firefighters, various combat equipment, and trapped people. In the meanwhile, it can also strongly cope with high-rise building fires.1号馆内,智能安保巡逻机器人让人眼前一亮。In Hall 1, the intelligent security patrol robot also impresses visitors.这位“智能保安”能识别人脸和车牌,具备遥控巡逻、自主巡逻、跟随巡逻、载人驾驶巡逻和编队巡逻五种使用模式,不仅能为人员减负,还能独自承担各类危险环境中的不同任务。This smart security can recognize faces and license plates, and can be put into use in five modes of patrol. Thus, the usage of this robot can not only assist people, but also cope with different tasks in various types of dangerous environments.2022年正值中阿建交50周年。在此次展会上,阿根廷设置了500平方米主宾国展区,集中展示阿根廷电子信息、绿色能源、通讯、航天产业、生物技术与制药等科技领域的先进成果。The year 2022 marks the 50th anniversary of diplomatic ties between China and Argentina. Argentina has set a 500-squaremeter-area displaying the achievements Argentina has made in terms of electronic information, ecological energy, communication, space industry, biological communication, etc.在2022卡塔尔世界杯到来之际,公众还可在阿根廷展区通过VR体验与球星梅西同场竞技。As the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 is approaching, visitors can "compete" with Lionel Andrés Messi through VR technology.阿根廷驻华大使牛望道表示,希望以科博会为契机,持续加深四川和阿根廷在农业生产、科技创新、学术研究等方面的合作。“虽然我们隔得很远,但我们的心非常紧密!”Sabino Vaca Narvaja, the Ambassador of Argentina to the People's Republic of China said, he wishes to enhance the communication and cooperation between Argentina and Sichuan in terms of agriculture, science, academy and other aspects through the expo. "Though we’re far away in distance, our hearts are together."直播现场展会开幕之际,四川国际传播中心携手重庆国际传播中心,在海内外各社交平台推出科博会川渝联合直播《How Science and Technology Change China》,带领观众“云”探展。海外网友纷纷惊叹于这些“来自东方的神秘力量”。Sichuan International Communication Center has cooperated with Chongqing International Communication Center to hold a live broadcast on both domestic and international social media, presenting the expo to the world, amazing lots of netizens oversea.本次展会将持续至11月20日。不妨相约绵阳,一睹为快!The expo will last to November 20.Just come and enjoy it!图文综合:川观新闻 绵阳广播电视台来源: 四川国际传播中心推荐理由:高效也能高能,6秒级零百加速性能/ 智能座舱获华为HiCar智能车机支持




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