GRE数(Shu)学(Xue)单(Dan)词(Ci)汇(Hui)总(Zong),轻(Qing)松(Song)看(Kan)懂(Dong)数(Shu)学(Xue)表(Biao)达(Da)2021-03-02 14:23·雷(Lei)哥(Ge)GRE咨(Zi)询(Xun)GRE数(Shu)学(Xue)是(Shi)我(Wo)们(Men)的(De)中(Zhong)国(Guo)考(Kao)生(Sheng)的(De)拿(Na)手(Shou)好(Hao)戏(Xi),考(Kao)试(Shi)难(Nan)度(Du)只(Zhi)有(You)高(Gao)中(Zhong)数(Shu)学(Xue)的(De)难(Nan)度(Du),通(Tong)常(Chang)是(Shi)考(Kao)G同(Tong)学(Xue)们(Men)的(De)满(Man)分(Fen)冲(Chong)刺(Ci)对(Dui)象(Xiang)。但(Dan)是(Shi)!数(Shu)学(Xue)知(Zhi)识(Shi)点(Dian)简(Jian)单(Dan),当(Dang)他(Ta)们(Men)用(Yong)英(Ying)语(Yu)表(Biao)达(Da)出(Chu)来(Lai)的(De)时(Shi)候(Hou),你(Ni)还(Huan)认(Ren)识(Shi)他(Ta)们(Men)本(Ben)来(Lai)的(De)模(Mo)样(Yang)吗(Ma)? 数(Shu)学(Xue)可(Ke)以(Yi),单(Dan)词(Ci)不(Bu)行(Xing)的(De)童(Tong)鞋(Xie),戳(Chuo)中(Zhong)你(Ni)的(De)膝(Xi)盖(Gai)了(Liao)吗(Ma)?为(Wei)大(Da)家(Jia)准(Zhun)备(Bei)了(Liao)数(Shu)学(Xue)专(Zhuan)有(You)名(Ming)词(Ci)的(De)英(Ying)文(Wen)表(Biao)达(Da),快(Kuai)点(Dian)收(Shou)藏(Cang)起(Qi)来(Lai),学(Xue)习(Xi)吧(Ba)!数(Shu)学(Xue)符(Fu)号(Hao) Mathematical symbols等(Deng)于(Yu):equal to, thae same as, is不(Bu)等(Deng):>more than= no less than<= no more than加(Jia):add, plus, more than, sum减(Jian):minus, subtract( to take away by or as if by deducting ), less than, difference乘(Cheng):multiply, times, product(the number or expression resulting from the multiplication together of two or more numbers or expressions)除(Chu):divide, quotient(the number resulting from the division of one number by another)绝(Jue)对(Dui)值(Zhi):absolute value平(Ping)方(Fang):square立(Li)方(Fang):cube开(Kai)平(Ping)方(Fang):square root开(Kai)立(Li)方(Fang):cube root平(Ping)行(Xing):parallel to垂(Chui)直(Zhi):perpendicular to(a : standing at right angles to the plane of the horizon : exactly upright b : being at right angles to a given line or plane)数(Shu)字(Zi)前(Qian)缀(Zhui)1--uni, mono2--bi, du, di3--tri, ter4--tetra, quad5--penta, quint6--hex, sex7--sept, hapta8--oct9--enn10--dec, deka方(Fang)程(Cheng)和(He)函(Han)数(Shu)方(Fang)程(Cheng) equation一(Yi)元(Yuan)二(Er)次(Ci)方(Fang)程(Cheng) quadratic(involving terms of the second degree at most) equations多(Duo)元(Yuan)一(Yi)次(Ci)方(Fang)程(Cheng)组(Zu) simultaneous(satisfied by the same values of the variables) linear equations二(Er)元(Yuan)二(Er)次(Ci)方(Fang)程(Cheng)组(Zu) simultaneous quadratic equations解(Jie) solution, root, zero变(Bian)量(Liang) variable常(Chang)量(Liang)(数(Shu)) constant(something invariable or unchanging)项(Xiang) term系(Xi)数(Shu) coefficient(any of the factors of a product considered in relation to a specific factor especially : a constant factor of a term as distinguished from a variable)函(Han)数(Shu) function数(Shu)列(Lie)和(He)集(Ji)合(He)等(Deng)差(Cha)数(Shu)列(Lie) arithmetic(a branch of mathematics that deals usually with the nonnegative real numbers including sometimes the transfinite cardinals and with the application of the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division to them) progression等(Deng)比(Bi)数(Shu)列(Lie) geometric(a : of, relating to, or according to the methods or principles of geometry b : increasing in a geometric progression) progression集(Ji)合(He) set子(Zi)集(Ji) subset序(Xu)列(Lie) sequence序(Xu)列(Lie)中(Zhong)的(De)项(Xiang) term包(Bao)含(Han)序(Xu)列(Lie)的(De)首(Shou)末(Mo)项(Xiang) inclusive不(Bu)包(Bao)含(Han)序(Xu)列(Lie)的(De)首(Shou)末(Mo)项(Xiang) exclusive排(Pai)列(Lie)组(Zu)合(He)与(Yu)概(Gai)率(Lv)排(Pai)列(Lie) permutation(a : the act or process of changing the lineal order of an ordered set of objects b : an ordered arrangement of a set of objects)组(Zu)合(He) combination(an ordered sequence: as a : a sequence of letters or numbers chosen in setting a lock also : the mechanism operating or moved by the sequence b : a rapid sequence of punches in boxing c : any subset of a set considered without regard to order within the subset)概(Gai)率(Lv) probability, possibility数(Shu)论(Lun) number theory数(Shu)字(Zi) digit奇(Qi)数(Shu) odd number偶(Ou)数(Shu) even number整(Zheng)数(Shu) integer, whole number正(Zheng)整(Zheng)数(Shu) positive integer连(Lian)续(Xu)整(Zheng)数(Shu) consecutive(following one after the other in order) integer自(Zi)然(Ran)数(Shu) natural number非(Fei)零(Ling)数(Shu) nonzero正(Zheng)数(Shu) positive number负(Fu)数(Shu) negative number有(You)理(Li)数(Shu) rational(involving only multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction and only a finite number of times)无(Wu)理(Li)数(Shu) irrational(a number that can be expressed as an infinite decimal with no set of consecutive digits repeating itself indefinitely and that cannot be expressed as the quotient of two integers)实(Shi)数(Shu) real number加(Jia) addition合(He)数(Shu) composite(made up of distinct parts) number质(Zhi)数(Shu) prime number因(Yin)子(Zi) factor, divisor公(Gong)因(Yin)子(Zi) common factor质(Zhi)因(Yin)数(Shu) prime factor公(Gong)约(Yue)数(Shu) common divisior最(Zui)大(Da)公(Gong)约(Yue)数(Shu) the greatest common divisor GCD公(Gong)倍(Bei)数(Shu) common multiple最(Zui)小(Xiao)公(Gong)倍(Bei)数(Shu) the least common multiple LCM乘(Cheng) multiply乘(Cheng)数(Shu) multiplier几(Ji)倍(Bei) timesA是(Shi)B的(De)两(Liang)倍(Bei) twice as many A as BA是(Shi)B的(De)3/2倍(Bei) 3/2 as many A as BA比(Bi)B多(Duo)20%,(A-B)/B=20%A is 20% more than B除(Chu)以(Yi) divide除(Chu)数(Shu) divisor商(Shang) quotient(the number resulting from the division of one number by another)余(Yu)数(Shu) remainder整(Zheng)除(Chu) divisibility可(Ke)整(Zheng)除(Chu)的(De) divisible by, evenly divisible小(Xiao)数(Shu) decimals(numbered or proceeding by tens: a : based on the number 10 especially : expressed in or utilizing a decimal system especially with a decimal point b : subdivided into 10th or 100th units)小(Xiao)数(Shu)点(Dian) decimal point分(Fen)数(Shu) fractions(a numerical representation (as 3/4, 5/8, or 3.234) indicating the quotient of two numbers)循(Xun)环(Huan)小(Xiao)数(Shu) reccuring decimal有(You)限(Xian)小(Xiao)数(Shu) terminating decimal分(Fen)子(Zi) numerator(the part of a fraction that is above the line and signifies the number to be divided by the denominator)分(Fen)母(Mu) denominator(the part of a fraction that is below the line and that functions as the divisor of the numerator)真(Zhen)分(Fen)数(Shu) proper faction假(Jia)分(Fen)数(Shu) improper fraction带(Dai)分(Fen)数(Shu) mixed number个(Ge)位(Wei)数(Shu) units' digit十(Shi)位(Wei)数(Shu) tens' digit百(Bai)位(Wei)数(Shu) hundreds' digit两(Liang)位(Wei)数(Shu) 2-digit number十(Shi)进(Jin)制(Zhi) decimalism, decimal notation, an integer in base 10 notation十(Shi)分(Fen)位(Wei) tenth, tenths' digit单(Dan)利(Li)、复(Fu)利(Li)和(He)价(Jia)格(Ge)单(Dan)利(Li) simple interest复(Fu)利(Li) compound interest成(Cheng)本(Ben) cost折(Zhe)扣(Kou) discount预(Yu)付(Fu)定(Ding)金(Jin);分(Fen)期(Qi)付(Fu)款(Kuan) down payment(a part of the full price paid at the time of purchase or delivery with the balance to be paid later broadly : the first step in a process)利(Li)率(Lv) interst rate标(Biao)价(Jia) list price差(Cha)额(E) margin涨(Zhang)价(Jia) mark up降(Jiang)价(Jia) mark down毛(Mao)利(Li) markup( an amount added to the cost price to determine the selling price broadly)利(Li)润(Run) profit购(Gou)买(Mai)价(Jia) purchasing price零(Ling)售(Shou)价(Jia) retail value销(Xiao)售(Shou)价(Jia) sale price折(Zhe)旧(Jiu) depreciation(to lower the price or estimated value of )代(Dai)数(Shu) algebra算(Suan)术(Shu)平(Ping)均(Jun)数(Shu) arithmetic mean几(Ji)何(He)平(Ping)均(Jun)数(Shu) geometric mean平(Ping)均(Jun)数(Shu) average中(Zhong)位(Wei)数(Shu) median众(Zhong)数(Shu) mode期(Qi)望(Wang) expectation偏(Pian)差(Cha) deviation方(Fang)差(Cha) variance标(Biao)准(Zhun)差(Cha) standard deviation范(Fan)围(Wei) range底(Di)数(Shu) base近(Jin)似(Si) closest approximation降(Jiang)低(Di)后(Hou)的(De) reduced下(Xia)降(Jiang)后(Hou)的(De) decreased从(Cong)...下(Xia)降(Jiang)到(Dao)... decrease...to...下(Xia)降(Jiang)了(Liao) decrease by...增(Zeng)加(Jia)后(Hou)的(De) increased从(Cong)...增(Zeng)加(Jia)到(Dao)... increase...to...增(Zeng)加(Jia)了(Liao)... increase by...定(Ding)义(Yi) define表(Biao)示(Shi),代(Dai)表(Biao) denote(to serve as an indication of )不(Bu)同(Tong)的(De) distinct表(Biao)达(Da)式(Shi) expression用(Yong)...表(Biao)达(Da) in terms of最(Zui)小(Xiao)值(Zhi) minimum, least possible最(Zui)大(Da)值(Zhi) maximum人(Ren)均(Jun) per capita(equally to each individual)指(Zhi)数(Shu) power正(Zheng)比(Bi)于(Yu) proportional to比(Bi)率(Lv) ratio倒(Dao)数(Shu) reciprocal(either of a pair of numbers (as 2/3 and 3/2 or 9 and 1/9) whose product is one broadly)四(Si)舍(She)五(Wu)入(Ru)到(Dao)十(Shi)分(Fen)位(Wei) rounded(to express as a round number ― often used with off <11.3572 rounded off to two decimal places becomes 11.36>) to the nearest tenth连(Lian)续(Xu)的(De) successive, in a row平(Ping)局(Ju) tie两(Liang)个(Ge)数(Shu)字(Zi) two digits几(Ji)何(He) geometry坐(Zuo)标(Biao) coordinate(a : any of a set of numbers used in specifying the location of a point on a line, on a surface, or in space b : any one of a set of variables used in specifying the state of a substance or the motion of a particle or momentum)横(Heng)坐(Zuo)标(Biao) abscissa(the horizontal coordinate of a point in a plane Cartesian coordinate system obtained by measuring parallel to the x-axis)纵(Zong)坐(Zuo)标(Biao) ordinate(the Cartesian coordinate obtained by measuring parallel to the y-axis)解(Jie)析(Xi)几(Ji)何(He) coordinate geometry斜(Xie)率(Lv) slopey轴(Zhou)截(Jie)距(Ju) y-intercept数(Shu)轴(Zhou) number lines象(Xiang)限(Xian) quadrant角(Jiao)度(Du) degree锐(Rui)角(Jiao) acute(characterized by sharpness or severity ) angle直(Zhi)角(Jiao) right angle钝(Dun)角(Jiao) obtuse(not pointed or acute ) angle顶(Ding)角(Jiao) vertex(vertices) angle平(Ping)角(Jiao) straight angle平(Ping)分(Fen) bisect角(Jiao)平(Ping)分(Fen)线(Xian) angle bisector(e that bisects especially : a straight line that bisects an angle or a line segment)正(Zheng)北(Bei)方(Fang) due(DIRECTLY, EXACTLY) north长(Chang)度(Du) length高(Gao)度(Du) altitude, height大(Da)小(Xiao),维(Wei)度(Du) dimension( a (1) : measure in one direction specifically : one of three coordinates determining a position in space or four coordinates determining a position in space and time (2) : one of a group of properties whose number is necessary and sufficient to determine uniquely each element of a system of usually mathematical entities (as an aggregate of points in real or abstract space) also : a parameter or coordinate variable assigned to such a property (3) : the number of elements in a basis of a vector space b : the quality of spatial extension : MAGNITUDE, SIZE c : a lifelike or realistic quality d : the range over which or the degree to which something extends : SCOPE ― usually used in plural e : one of the elements or factors making up a complete personality or entity : ASPECT)周(Zhou)长(Chang) perimeter(a : the boundary of a closed plane figure b : the length of a perimeter )面(Mian)积(Ji) area距(Ju)离(Li) distance直(Zhi)线(Xian) line线(Xian)段(Duan) segment(the finite part of a line between two points in the line)中(Zhong)点(Dian) mid point相(Xiang)交(Jiao) intersect(to meet and cross at a point )平(Ping)行(Xing)线(Xian) parallel lines垂(Chui)直(Zhi)线(Xian) perpendicular(a : standing at right angles to the plane of the horizon : exactly upright b : being at right angles to a given line or plane) lines弧(Hu) arc(degree measurement on the circumference of a circle ― used especially in the phrase of arc <11 minutes 3 seconds of arc>)弧(Hu)度(Du)(弧(Hu)长(Chang)/半(Ban)径(Jing)) radian(a unit of plane angular measurement that is equal to the angle at the center of a circle subtended by an arc whose length equals the radius or approximately 57.3 degrees)中(Zhong)心(Xin) center圆(Yuan) circle圆(Yuan)周(Zhou)长(Chang) circumference( the perimeter of a circle )半(Ban)径(Jing) radius( a line segment extending from the center of a circle or sphere to the circumference or bounding surface )直(Zhi)径(Jing) diameter(the length of a straight line through the center of an object )内(Nei)切(Qie) inscribe(to draw within a figure so as to touch in as many places as possible )外(Wai)接(Jie) circumscribe(a : to draw a line around b : to surround by or as if by a boundary )切(Qie)线(Xian) tangent(meeting a curve or surface in a single point if a sufficiently small interval is considered )顺(Shun)时(Shi)针(Zhen) clockwise逆(Ni)时(Shi)针(Zhen) counterclockwise(in a direction opposite to that in which the hands of a clock rotate as viewed from in front)同(Tong)心(Xin)圆(Yuan) concentric (having a common center)circle对(Dui)角(Jiao)线(Xian) diagonal( joining two vertices of a rectilinear figure that are nonadjacent or two vertices of a polyhedral figure that are not in the same face)三(San)角(Jiao)形(Xing) triangle直(Zhi)角(Jiao)三(San)角(Jiao)形(Xing) right triangle斜(Xie)边(Bian) hypotenuse(the side of a right-angled triangle that is opposite the right angle)等(Deng)腰(Yao)三(San)角(Jiao)形(Xing) isosceles(having two equal sides ) triangle等(Deng)边(Bian)三(San)角(Jiao)形(Xing) equilateral( having all sides equal ) triangle三(San)角(Jiao)形(Xing)的(De)中(Zhong)线(Xian) median of a triangle四(Si)边(Bian)形(Xing) quadrilateral(a polygon of four sides)平(Ping)行(Xing)四(Si)边(Bian)形(Xing) parallelogram(a quadrilateral with opposite sides parallel and equal)长(Chang)方(Fang)形(Xing) rectangle正(Zheng)方(Fang)形(Xing) square梯(Ti)形(Xing) trapezoid五(Wu)边(Bian)形(Xing) pentagon(a polygon of five angles and five sides)六(Liu)边(Bian)形(Xing) hexagon(a polygon of six angles and six sides)八(Ba)边(Bian)形(Xing) octagon(a polygon of eight angles and eight sides)十(Shi)边(Bian)形(Xing) decagon(a plane polygon of 10 angles and 10 sides)多(Duo)边(Bian)形(Xing) polygon正(Zheng)多(Duo)边(Bian)形(Xing) regular polygon全(Quan)等(Deng)的(De) congruent(congruous,being in agreement, harmony, or correspondence)面(Mian) face边(Bian) side平(Ping)面(Mian) plane交(Jiao)叠(Die) overlap(to extend over or past and cover a part of )正(Zheng)方(Fang)体(Ti) cube长(Chang)方(Fang)体(Ti) rectangular solid圆(Yuan)柱(Zhu) cylinder(the surface traced by a straight line moving parallel to a fixed straight line and intersecting a fixed planar closed curve )圆(Yuan)锥(Zhui) cone球(Qiu) sphere表(Biao)面(Mian)积(Ji) surface area体(Ti)积(Ji) volume
2018宝宝取名大全最新版,这些名字好听又有内涵,给准爸妈作参考2018-02-12 19:04·起名网孩子取名字要选对方法、找准取名用字,2018年出生取什么名字好听?看看下面这篇2018取名大全最新版的的文章具体了解下吧!2018取名大全最新整理的2018取名大全绍玮:绍祖明德,质美福泽;绍先祖之德,而兴后世之业。熙诚:明盛显赫,诚信卓著,熙即指吉祥、安康。博远:才智深远,美德远扬;博古通今,开阔,辽远之感。泽峻:天地护佑,卓越深远;泽及万世而为仁;泽陂万物,恩惠世人。博森:博,博学,多指学问的渊博高深,森,具繁盛感。峻辰:高深渊博,繁盛无垠;稳重康泰,岿然平安。尚昊:备受景仰,昊天罔极;天空般无穷尽,意境辽远开阔。睿新:“明德新民,止于至善”,聪慧通达,见识卓著。承颐:传承创新,颐养心和;天人合一、健康无虞之义。轩成:地位尊高,光耀显赫;轩驾、轩冕,与帝王权贵相关;地位高贵、成就不凡。承峻:承当大任,岿然安泰;具峻迈卓越、深邃渊博的内涵。奕博:奕,多指一个人内在的风度;博,多指一个人有学问。颢天:颢,西方天空,宁静高远之境。2018取名大全雨茜:代表美好,红艳,清雅秀气,智勇双全,安福尊荣。璞玉:有一种玉叫璞。取名象征贵重如玉。绮琪:秀气多才,温和贤淑。梦露:向往美好,清雅荣贵。敏婷:多才温和,灵活敏捷,敏锐,反应快。取名用,象征智慧。妮娜:婀娜多姿,秀气伶俐,女用为美。妙莹:妙不可言,与神秘文化有缘。倩晴:有才能理智,清雅荣贵,名利双全。海妮:清雅伶俐,多才秀气。女性取名表示永远年轻,貌美。 朝佩:智勇双全,名利双收,清雅荣贵。艺萍:多才贤勇,清雅秀气,中年吉祥。琦莉:有一种美玉叫琦,取名象征贵重。2018取名大全2018女宝宝好听的名字青秋、泓锦、敏凡、宁致、美娅、莉涛、云菲思涵、敏轩、雪华、宝萱、雯珊、佳涵、娅瑶奕可、佳雪、姣瑾、泓瑾、海瑶、美瑞、家颖美瑛、星文、佳晔、晓懿、家维、佩妤、晨静佳妮、芷菡、雅菲、明梦、沛玲、奕雯、松妍梦颖、雅欣、亭清、璟雯、佳琦、惠宁、卓尔远蓉、棋思、婉玉、诗嘉、津媛、艺歆、丛菲雯梦、姝晶、艺昕、琼涵、玲凌、锦清、佳宁姝江、敏蕾、子义、雅颖、扬茜、雪妮、灵倩思佳、义歆、佩宁、芳雯、雯萱、宣洢、海莹亦婷、欣源、子文、奕然、禹彤、曼云、芳蓓2018取名大全2018年好听的男孩名字伯峻、伦强、谷韶、彬帆、玮云、天霖、斯辰璟良、志嘉、天瑞、楚恒、木畅、芝瑞、益强柏超、雪瀚、秀宸、晨良、昱铭、洪可、威超思众、潇天、灿尚、材睿、木棕、强耀、坤宝锐翰、建皓、川辉、锐嘉、柏晗、锐瑾、轩卓颖浩、励谷、威伟、轩照、贤承、乐皓、灿承思亮、展崇、文恩、风华、健瀚、谦然、韵翰文春、文振、冠宇、悟瀚、柯望、博鹤、棋羽青云、健德、棋博、寒月、卓桦、思睿、泽畅超阳、瞻逞、超阳、浩修、玮帆小编寄语:给孩子起名时不管采取的什么样的方式,需要什么样的含义。重点是符合宝宝的生辰八字、促其运势让名字更加吉祥,正在需求起名的家长们不要让孩子输在起跑线上,多多关注起名网进行智能起名或找大师起名服务。不仅如此,有些阿姨来城里之前就存在着一些很致命的基础病,如高血压、心脏病等,这对她们自身来说是非常危险的,但她们怀着错误的想法,认为反正有了病以后主家会负责治疗,所以就抱着带病上岗、希望在主家治病的念头来到主家。或者刚来时偷偷吃药,等熬过所谓安全期,一旦今后发病了,出了事了,如果遇到讲道理的阿姨或者她们的家人还好说,反之,她们会缠得主家焦头烂额。这种行为对雇主家庭带来极大的风险,可这些阿姨是不管的,因为她们来的时候就想好了 。猛虎突击队第01集全集完整版免费在线观看冲电视剧...