In China, there's a special phenomenon, though. After the revolution in 1949, the status of women improved dramatically. I think it was a major feature of the 1949 revolution, and it's true of many communist countries, when they are launched, that they provide equality of education for women. The whole educational workforce increases, the quality of education rises, and many more women were given opportunities, more so than even was true in the West. So even though the level of living was lower because of the poverty and the war, the equality for women was higher. What that meant, though, was at the same time, women were working at a much greater rate and were engaged in the workforce. These factors rival the activity of bearing children and raising children. So it becomes a tough business, where the woman is working at the same time raising children. And many people say, well, why should the woman do it? And that's a logical answer. But physiologically, I think we know why. Very strong bonds between the mother and the child, and they're renewed. Fathers can play a role, and they are playing increasingly a role. And we know that helps promote fertility. When men are more cooperative and helping in childbearing, fertility rates go up. That's very commonsensical.
10部神级爆笑综艺2022-09-28 19:26·快乐木子爱追剧拯救不开心??????1、《闪亮的日子》离谱又爆笑的综艺,推荐从第一季开始看、后面每个梗你都知道,经常笑到头掉。下巴脱臼。不开心,emo就看。每个嘉宾都好搞笑,而且是个暖心闪亮的节目、不知道干什么可以看,下饭综艺,看看接地气的明星在干什么,跟朋友的相处,不装不无聊。都在努力认真地生活,这就是我们闪亮的日子!2、《嗨放派》到底是怎么做到无聊又好笑的!任嘉伦、王嘉尔、李荣浩、陈飞宇、魏大勋,这几个搞笑男合体真的要把人笑死。在搞笑、治愈以外,还收获了很多奇奇怪怪的知识。3、《一年一度喜剧大赛》最优秀的一波喜剧人,演他们自己的原创作品,很短,但每次抛的梗都直戳笑点,超级有创意,而且非常令人产生共鸣。4、《元气满满的哥哥》“男人至死是少年,大哥哥小哥哥都太可爱了”年代感的小游戏?刺激的捉迷藏几个简简单单的小游戏大家也玩得这么搞笑,哥哥弟弟队伍之间的化学反应也太逗了,总是会忽然间让人笑到停不下来!一个有趣、有灵魂的综艺,必追!5、《快乐再出发》快乐男生的再就业旅程,有笑点,也有他们一路走过来的心酸,在节目里面没有剧本,只有他们满到溢出的才华。看到他们一起进行音乐创作时,氛围感拉满呀!6、《欢迎来到蘑菇屋》“史上最穷综艺”,没有广告,07快男再就业,去蘑菇屋做客,给大家来了一波回忆杀,16年的深厚情谊展现得淋漓尽致,这种友情真的难能可贵,真是搞笑又自然。7、《登录圆鱼洲》这档综艺真的鲨疯了,全员喜剧人,白敬亭、李诞、王濛、林墨、杨超越、张子贤6位常驻嘉宾。单看这阵容嘴角都忍不住上扬了!哈!哈!哈!节目设定是由6位玩家乘坐404路公交车“登录”圆鱼洲,开启一场元宇宙概念背景下的异世界博弈冒险之旅。笑点密集,笑就完事了!8、《一起露营吧》繁忙的生活需要调剂,露营可以说是今年最大热的解压方式了,这个综艺真心推荐去看,专治你的不开心,和emo说拜拜!9、《青春环游记2》晚上睡觉的时候千万别看,憋笑憋得原地去世。每个嘉宾都没有所谓的偶像包袱,随手一截就是表情包,看到杨迪、贾玲、周深都十分有笑点,就连国际钢琴家朗朗都综艺感满满,范丞丞也非常帅气有梗哦!10、《王牌对王牌》以游戏方式打开节目效果,沈腾贾玲强强联合,不笑喷真的很难。这真是一档让人看了就感到快乐的综艺,快快刷起来吧!马女士说