“庄子敲骨”会摊多大的事儿 埋骨不慎惹鬼上身 | 北晚...
去了那么多次海边,这次和报哥学几个与海洋有关的英语口语词汇!2018-04-16 21:30·赛门大叔春天已经到了,你们是不是和我-英国报哥,一样已经开始期待夏天的来临?想要去海边踩一踩那金灿灿的沙滩,再扑到水里打一次酣畅淋漓的水仗?或是出海潜到水里,看看五颜六色的珊瑚和形态各异的小鱼儿们?你知道吗?在五彩斑斓的海底世界里还蕴藏着不少英语的秘密!在英语中,很多惯用语的表达与大海、船只,或者海洋生物有关,简单生动而传神,人们用来形象地表达各种场合下的不同状况或心情。跟着我英国报哥一起来看一下,它们都是哪些有趣的句子吧!A drop in the ocean沧海一粟、九牛一毛I know twenty dollars is just a drop in the ocean,but if everyone gave that much it'd make a big difference.我知道20美元只是沧海一粟,但是如果每个人都能贡献出20美元,结果就大不相同了。One dollar to a millionaire is a drop in the ocean.一块钱对一个百万富翁来说是九牛一毛。The world is your oyster.形容随心所欲,可以做任何想做、喜欢做的事情。After finishing IELTS exam,the world is your oyster.考完雅思考试后,你就可以做你想做的事情了。You're young,healthy,intelligent,and you don't have any commitments,the world is your oyster.你年轻、健康又聪明,也没有什么负担,你可以做任何你想做的事。Find the things you love and the world is your oyster.But you have to put up with the sand to make your pearl.找到你热爱的事情并随心所欲地去做吧!但你必须知道,天下没有白吃的午餐。oyster 牡蛎,除此之外还有“梦想得以实现的世界”之意,这个含义最初来源于莎士比亚(William Shakespeare)的作品。Like a fish out of water.不适应,不自在,对新环境感到生疏。Knowing nothing about music,I feel like a fish out of water among a group of musicians.对音乐一窍不通的我,在一群音乐家面前很不自在。I feel just like a fish out of water at the party where I know no one.在一个谁都不认识的聚会上,感觉真是不自在。Don't be a Fish out of Water.入乡随俗。(别让自己处在尴尬的状态。)当 "fish" 表示鱼肉或统称鱼时,作不可数名词;表示鱼的种类时,作可数名词。Be packed like sardines.拥挤不堪,挤得像罐头里的沙丁鱼。There were fifty of us in the train carriage.We were packed like sardines.这节车厢有50个人,真的是挤得像沙丁鱼罐头!sardines 沙丁鱼(罐装的)As slippery as an eel奸诈狡猾,像鳗鱼一样狡猾I wouldn't go into business with him.He's as slippery as an eel.我不会跟他做生意,因为他太狡猾了。slippery 狡猾的eel 鳗鱼Miss the boat错失良机Sandy:Have you got your tickets for the big concert next week?Murphy:No,I missed the boat.I'm so annoyed!Sandy :你是否拿到了下周大型音乐会的门票?Murphy :我错过了,没拿到,好恼火!
“庄子敲骨”会摊多大的事儿 埋骨不慎惹鬼上身 | 北晚...