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Smartphone Leader Xiaomi Unveils First EV SU7 in bid to Rival Porsche and Tesla原创2023-12-30 09:29·钛媒体APPBEIJING, December 28 (TMTPost)— China’s leading smartphone maker Xiaomi Corporation presented its most ambitous initiative in the automotive industry, completing its strategic vision of “Human x Car x Home” smart ecosystem.Credit:XiaomiXiaomi unveiled its first production electric vehicle (EV) model SU 7 at an event on Thursday, 1,003 days after the Chinese firm announced its EV-making plan. “Xiaomi’s goal is to make a dream car comparable to (those from) Porsche and Tesla,” founder and CEO Lei Jun said during his more than two-hour presentation. Lei explained SU stands for Speed Ultra in a post on the social media platform X earlier this week. While Lei said SU7 isn’t built to chase any specific competitor, the executive suggested the smart sedan will compete with the Porsche Taycan and Tesla’s Model S.The event focused on cutting-edge technologies that empower SU7, instead of the product release. Xiaomi underlined five core technologies in the EV era, including the e-motor, the battery, the hyper casting, the autonomous driving and the smart cabin. Xiaomi has engineered the SU7 to offer a level of driving performance that stands among the best in its class, including the Porsche Taycan Turbo, and has prioritized intelligent technology, drawing inspiration from the advanced systems in cars like the Tesla Model S, Lei Jun said. He noted choice of making a sedan reflects Xiaomi’s vision for car manufacturing: technology plus ecosystem and advanced mobile smart space. SU7 is positioned as a C-class high-performance tech ecosystem sedan.According to the Catalogue of New Energy Vehicle Models Exempt from Vehicle Purchase Tax (the 72nd batch) released by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) in October, SU7 series will be adopted two different types of batteries: one is the lithium iron phosphate battery made by BYD’s subsidiary Fudi Battery Co., Ltd, and another is Contemporary Amperex Technology Co. Ltd. (CATL)’s ternary lithium battery. The SU7 series are set to be powered by HyperOS, Xiaomi’s new operating system rolled out late October. The vehicles will be made in its own facility and the production qualification was provided by Beijing Automotive Group Off-road Vehicle Co.,Ltd., a unit of Chinese state-owned auto manufacturer Beijing Automotive Industry Holding Co. Ltd. (BAIC Group).At the event Tuesday, Xiaomi showcased the basic version SU7, namely, the rear-wheel-drive variant, backed by BYD’s LFP battery, has a single electric motor, with the peak power of 220kW and the maximum speed of 210km/h. The battery allows vehicles to go 668 km under CLTC (China Light-Duty Vehicle Test Cycle) standard on a charge and take 5.28 seconds to accelerate from zero to 100 km/h. The CATL battery-powered premium variant will be a dual-motor setup that combines the front motor and the rear motor, which enables the vehicle to drive as fast as 265km/h. Moreover, it has a zero to 100km/h acceleration time of just 2.78 seconds, beating the Porsche Tycan Turbo, and officially join the “2 seconds Supercar Club” with a single step. The CATL battery, with a capacity of 101 kWh, delivers a CLTC range of 800 km.One of performance highlights is that SU7 has the lowest drag coefficient of only 0.195 Cd, the lowest among production models in the world. The sedan is based on in-house Modena Architecture with HyperEngine electric motors of up to 21,000rpm. The chassis is stamped by Xiaomi’s super die casting machines with a clamping force of 9,100 tons, outweighing that of Tesla. Another highlight is the smart cabin, which consists of a 16.1” central control screen with 3k resolution, the 56”HUD, or Head-Up Display, a 7.1” instrument panel for the driver, and two screens in the rear for passengers, which are Xiaomi tablets called Mi Pads. The cockpit operation system HyperOS is powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon 8295. Lei Jun said even iPhone users can tap into some of the Xiaomi car features, with support for for wireless CarPlay and AirPlay connectivity as well as iPad-mounting for rear passengers.SU7 is equipped with Xiaomi ’s self-developed autonomous driving technologies. The automated driving system (ADAS), Xiaomi Pilot, is powered by two Nvidia Orin-X chips with 508 TOPs computing power. The self-driving technologies are developing very fast, and for Xiaomi, starting late has its advantages as the company can work from a higher threshold and build from there, Lei Jun said. He stated the investment in the first phase for Xiaomi’s full-stack intelligent driving technology totaled RMB3.8 billion, and the company has invested RMB4.7 billion more in the technology. Xiaomi aims to complete autonomous driving tests in 100 cities across China by the end of 2024, and become the leading player in the autonomous driving sector in the same one-year period.Xiaomi announced in March, 2021 to set up a wholly owned subsidiary to make EVs, with the initial investment of RMB10 billion and the total input in the coming decade expected amount to US$10 billion. Lei Jun said in March that his company aims to become one of the top five automakers in the world within the coming 15 to 20 years. He then revealed late October that the company plans to launch its car in the first half of next year, without giving any details. In an interview with China Central Television (CCTV) earlier this month, Lei said Xiaomi invested in 3,400 engineers and the research and development (R&D) spending totaled more than RMB10 billion. He added that Xiaomi has input out-sized resources in its first EV model, ten times of that traditional automakers invest in a model.At Tuesday’s event, Xiaomi offers three colors for SU7 including Aqua Blue, Mineral Gray and Verdant Green. It didn’t disclose launch timetable or price tag. Lei Jun reiterated Xiaomi wants to turn into the top five automobile club in the world in the next 15 to 20 years. He ruled out the low pricing. It’s impossible to set a price of RMB99,000 or RMB149,000, Lei said. He noted vehicles powered by batteries with the same specs as SU7 are sold for more than RMB400,000 at average. “Let’s show respect for the underlying technology ,” Lei said.At the post on X this week, Lei Jun said SU7 is in trial production and it will hit the domestic market in a few months. “The price has not been finalized yet, but we promise it will exceed your expectations,” according to Lei.轿车拖行小狗行驶两里地




来(Lai)个(Ge)神(Shen)探(Tan),拼(Pin)死(Si)调(Diao)查(Cha),并(Bing)且(Qie)运(Yun)气(Qi)贼(Zei)拉(La)好(Hao),从(Cong)尸(Shi)体(Ti)胃(Wei)中(Zhong)内(Nei)容(Rong)物(Wu)一(Yi)些(Xie)特(Te)殊(Shu)成(Cheng)分(Fen)比(Bi)如(Ru)某(Mou)种(Zhong)特(Te)制(Zhi)食(Shi)物(Wu)在(Zai)胃(Wei)中(Zhong)腐(Fu)烂(Lan)极(Ji)慢(Man)而(Er)且(Qie)很(Hen)容(Rong)易(Yi)分(Fen)辨(Bian)并(Bing)且(Qie)方(Fang)圆(Yuan)万(Wan)里(Li)只(Zhi)有(You)一(Yi)家(Jia)店(Dian)有(You)而(Er)且(Qie)这(Zhe)家(Jia)店(Dian)根(Gen)据(Ju)店(Dian)里(Li)监(Jian)控(Kong)和(He)附(Fu)近(Jin)监(Jian)控(Kong)猜(Cai)出(Chu)案(An)发(Fa)地(Di)点(Dian)而(Er)且(Qie)根(Gen)据(Ju)实(Shi)验(Yan)在(Zai)相(Xiang)似(Si)条(Tiao)件(Jian)下(Xia)那(Na)个(Ge)特(Te)殊(Shu)食(Shi)物(Wu)腐(Fu)烂(Lan)的(De)速(Su)度(Du)勉(Mian)强(Qiang)反(Fan)推(Tui)出(Chu)时(Shi)间(Jian)区(Qu)间(Jian)并(Bing)且(Qie)又(You)进(Jin)行(Xing)实(Shi)验(Yan)找(Zhao)加(Jia)猜(Cai)出(Chu)凶(Xiong)器(Qi)掉(Diao)落(Luo)范(Fan)围(Wei)区(Qu)间(Jian)地(Di)毯(Tan)式(Shi)搜(Sou)索(Suo)挨(Ai)个(Ge)石(Shi)头(Tou)上(Shang)鲁(Lu)米(Mi)诺(Nuo)看(Kan)血(Xue)迹(Ji)加(Jia)伤(Shang)口(Kou)对(Dui)比(Bi)出(Chu)凶(Xiong)器(Qi),而(Er)且(Qie)刚(Gang)好(Hao)胸(Xiong)器(Qi)上(Shang)曾(Zeng)经(Jing)有(You)过(Guo)凶(Xiong)手(Shou)带(Dai)血(Xue)的(De)指(Zhi)纹(Wen) 虽(Sui)然(Ran)被(Bei)冲(Chong)掉(Diao)了(Liao)但(Dan)是(Shi)保(Bao)留(Liu)了(Liao)最(Zui)特(Te)别(Bie)的(De)一(Yi)个(Ge)特(Te)征(Zheng)比(Bi)如(Ru)正(Zheng)中(Zhong)间(Jian)指(Zhi)纹(Wen)形(Xing)状(Zhuang)特(Te)殊(Shu)之(Zhi)类(Lei)的(De)决(Jue)定(Ding)性(Xing)证(Zheng)据(Ju)在(Zai)鲁(Lu)米(Mi)诺(Nuo)的(De)帮(Bang)助(Zhu)下(Xia)勉(Mian)强(Qiang)显(Xian)形(Xing)而(Er)且(Qie)刚(Gang)好(Hao)能(Neng)成(Cheng)为(Wei)证(Zheng)据(Ju)然(Ran)后(Hou)核(He)查(Cha)出(Chu)凶(Xiong)手(Shou)

直播吧7月8日讯 中甲联赛第16轮,石家庄功夫主场2-4不敌无锡吴钩,遭遇了联赛长达5轮的不胜。赛后,石家庄功夫主帅扬戈维奇第一时间宣布自己辞去球队主教练一职。据《足球报》报道,石家庄功夫俱乐部同意了扬戈维奇的请辞,球队将暂时由中方教练组指挥。德国于2011年便确立了弃用核电的目标,尽管由于俄乌冲突的爆发,德国政府将仅存的三座核电站运营期限延至今年4月,但德国摒弃核电的目标没有发生变化。晚上睡不着想看点害羞视频软件-晚上睡不着想看点叠站...

商家回应女子用餐被店员持刀逼作画 商家:涉事店员已开除 律师:饭店可以依法向店员追偿2024-01-15 15:36·零度时评近日江苏苏州一顾客在餐厅用餐时被店员持刀逼画便利贴女子画了两张画才得以脱身并报警据悉经过调解店家赔偿了女子1000元记者致电该商家询问相关情况工作人员称持刀向顾客索画店员已被开除事发当天涉事店员径自走向顾客希望其在便利贴上作画因为大家各自忙店内工作并不清楚俩人之间具体发生什么当天晚上才知道警方已介入处理此事图源:百姓关注工作人员告诉记者墙壁上的便利贴是顾客随手画和留言均是顾客自己的意愿对于涉事店员的强迫顾客画画的行为他们也无法理解网友纷纷对此事表态:天下之大无奇不有这是给老板献殷勤吗很好奇女子到底画了什么赔偿1000块钱就算了这种行为不构成违法犯罪吗那么从法律角度该如何看待这起件事呢头条号作者安律说法@安律说法对此进行了分析律师:饭店可以依法向店员追偿1、如何评价涉事店员的行为店员持刀胁迫女子本身就是违法行为《治安管理处罚法》第42条规定写恐吓信或者以其他方法威胁他人人身安全的处5日以下拘留或者500元以下罚款;情节较重的处5-10日拘留可以并处500元以下罚款店员持刀胁迫女子不让女子离开让女子画画还限制了女子的人身自由属于非法拘禁行为《治安管理处罚法》第40条第3款规定即非法限制他人人身自由、非法侵入他人住宅或者非法搜查他人身体的处10-15日拘留并处500-1000元罚款;情节较轻的处5-10日拘留并处200-500元罚款如果将画视为财产性利益店员为了取得女子的画即主观上具有非法占有他人财产的目的持刀胁迫女子当场作画即客观上实施了暴力行为如果暴力程度达到了足以压制女子的反抗店员的行为还有可能构成抢劫罪《刑法》第263条规定以暴力、胁迫或者其他方法抢劫公私财物的构成抢劫罪处3-10年有期徒刑并处罚金应当注意的是本罪属于行为犯换句话说无论涉案金额大小只要有相应的行为就可以按照犯罪处理2、店员为什么没有被处罚刑法具有谦抑性即力求以最小的支出——少用甚至不用刑罚获取最大的社会效益店员的行为是否构成犯罪还需要结合更多事实判断但是即便店员的行为构成犯罪但是因为没有造成严重的后果一般情况下也不会动用刑法《治安管理处罚法》第9条规定对于因民间纠纷引起的打架斗殴或者损毁他人财物等违反治安管理行为情节较轻的公安机关可以调解处理经公安机关调解当事人达成协议的不予处罚经调解未达成协议或者达成协议后不履行的公安机关应当依照本法的规定对违反治安管理行为人给予处罚并告知当事人可以就民事争议依法向人民法院提起民事诉讼具体到本案女子接受赔偿显然已经与对方达成和解这种情况下店员才最终没有受到处罚3、店员犯错为什么饭店赔偿《民法典》第1198条规定宾馆、商场、银行、车站、机场、体育场馆、娱乐场所等经营场所、公共场所的经营者、管理者或者群众性活动的组织者未尽到安全保障义务造成他人损害的应当承担侵权责任因第三人的行为造成他人损害的由第三人承担侵权责任;经营者、管理者或者组织者未尽到安全保障义务的承担相应的补充责任经营者、管理者或者组织者承担补充责任后可以向第三人追偿《民法典》第1191条规定用人单位的工作人员因执行工作任务造成他人损害的由用人单位承担侵权责任用人单位承担侵权责任后可以向有故意或者重大过失的工作人员追偿具体到本案店员作为饭店的员工在工作中公然侵害顾客权益饭店其他人员没有发现并及时制止显然要为店员的行为买单当然饭店在承担责任后依法可以向店员追偿(零度时评综合百姓关注、头条号作者@安律说法)#店员持刀逼顾客画画老板:已开除店员##商家回应女子用餐被店员持刀逼作画##女子用餐时被店员持刀逼作画##女子用餐时被店员持刀逼作画##顾客用餐被店员持刀逼画便利贴##苏州某餐厅店员持刀威胁顾客商家致歉并开除#

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