2024年12月18日,首发2024-06-06 23:17·说车小李
目前小米汽车仍未公布生产资质的相关信息。这张“准生证”对造车至关重要,但独立申请十分困难。新玩家一般都是找有资质的公司代工,比如蔚来找江淮代工;或是收购拥有生产资质的公司工厂,比如车和家收购重庆力帆。去国外银行,掌握这些英语不用愁!原创2017-07-04 10:22·学点英语本文由【英语口语精华微课堂】原创请搜索微信【英语口语精华微课堂】或微博【英语口语精华】现在的金融服务越来越方便了你可以在国外刷卡、领钱、开户等等但如果你想在国外享受这些金融服务却不懂银行相关英文怎么办原来有钱也不能完全任性在国外还得懂英语才能有钱任性啊【学习重点】* 银行相关单词 *Account 账户 – Open an account 开账户Savings account 储蓄账户Balance 余额Check 支票 – Cash the check 兑现支票Traveler’s check 旅行支票Deposit 存钱 – Make a deposit into 把钱存到…Withdraw 提款Current deposit /Demand deposit 活存账户Fixed deposit /Time deposit 定存账户Interest rate 利率 – Compound interest rate 复利ATM 提款机PIN number 提款密码Passbook 存折Seal 印章Wire transfer 转帐/汇款Money order 汇票Money exchange 兑换外币Denomination 面额International fund 海外基金Loan 贷款Direct money to someone’s account 汇钱至某人的账户Fill out deposit / withdrawal slip 填写存款/提款单生活英文-银行 At a bank – Financial English Lesson* 在银行使用的对话 *在银行时你可能会说…I’d like to open an account in your bank.我想在你们银行开户。I would like to withdrawal 1000 dollars from my saving account.我想要从我存款账户提1000元。Is there a transaction fee every time I withdraw ?每次提领有没有手续费?What’s your interest rate for your checking accounts?你们的活期存款利率是多少?What documents should I bring in ?我要带哪些文件呢?I’d like to apply for a balance statement of my account.我要申请存款证明I would like to make a remittance to Taiwan.我想要汇款到台湾。I’d like to apply for a credit card我想要办一张信用卡。I’d like to report the loss of my credit card and cancel it.我要办理信用卡挂失并取消那张卡。I would like to take out a loan.我想要贷款。Could you exchange New Taiwan dollars into U.S. dollars?你能帮我将新台币换成美金吗?What is exchange rate today?今天的兑换率是多少?Do you offer an inter-bank transfer service?你们有跨行转帐的服务吗?在银行时你可能会听到…What kind of account would you like to open?你想开什么样的账户?Do you have any ID with you?我可以看一下你的证件吗?I need your seal please我需要你的印章。Please fill in this form first.麻烦先填写这张表单。Would you like to have an ATM card and a checkbook?你要提款卡跟支票簿吗?The minimum deposit is $1,000 dollar for saving account储蓄账户需要最低 1,000 元的存款I’m sorry,this window’s closed.Please go to that window.不好意思,那个窗口已经关闭了,请到那一个窗口。What would you like to exchange?请问你要兑换甚么货币?There is a service charge of US$20 for wiring the money.我们酌收美金20元汇款手续费。You have exceeded your credit limit.你已经超出你的信用额度了。参加免费试听赠送全套《哈利波特》中英全集1-7册+原版音频MP3和10季美剧《老友记》。《老友记》1000G英语学习大礼包等你拿!谈恋爱,在一起过才知道是否合适学英语,试听之后才知道是否满意