
《特黄做受又硬又粗又大视频小说》4K在线播放 -郁彬影院如果今年一级建造师有点悬,那一定要逼自己做这些题



《特黄做受又硬又粗又大视频小说》4K在线播放 -郁彬影院如果今年一级建造师有点悬,那一定要逼自己做这些题



danyouliaopanjinliandejingyanzaiqian,xiangshouyongxiangdangyu“tidaipin”desongjinlian,jiukeyimanmanlailiao。SSATshuxuekaoshixuyaozhangwode400cihui2019-03-20 18:58·moshengaidushuSSATshuxuebeikaocihuimeiguoSSATkaoshifenweisangebudongdedengji,meigedengjisuoshejidaodeshuxuezhishikaodianshibuyiyangde,danshishuxuezhishidangzhongdehenduozhishibiyaocihuidushixiangtongde,zhexiecihuidushixuyaozhangwode。1. apiece meiren/meige2. absolute value jueduizhi,ru | 5 | = | -5 |3. add (addition) jia(jiafa)4. average value pingjunzhi(arithmetic mean)5. algebra daishu6. algebraic expression daishushi7. algebraic fraction fenshi,ru8. algebraic term daishuxiang9. arithmetic mean suanshupingjunzhi10. arithmetic progression ( sequence ) dengchashulie11. adjacent angle linjiao12. amount to heji13. angle jiao14. alternate angle neicuojie15. alternant jiaotihanshu,jiaotixinglieshi16. approximate jinsi17. abscissa hengzuobiao18. angle bisector jiaopingfenxian19. altitude gao20. arc hu21. arm zhijiaosanjiaoxingdegu22. acute angle ruijiao23. adjacent vertices xianglindingdian24. bar graph zhuzhuangtu25. base dibian,chengmidedishu,ru zhongde626. binomial erxiangshi27. bisect pingfen28. brace shuang,ru:a brace of dogs liangzhigou29. billion 10yi30. common denominator gongfenmu31. common factor gongyinzi32. common multiple gongbeishu33. common base triangles gongdisanjiaoxing34. common divisor gongyueshu35. common fraction putongfenshu,jianfenshu36. common logarithm changyongduishu37. common ratio gongbi38. common year pingnian,zhi365tiandeyinian39. complex fraction fanfenshu40. complex plane fupingshu41. complex number fushu,ruT+i42. complex root fugen43. complex conjugate fugongzuo,fugongzuojuzhen44. composite number heshu,chu1jibenshenwaihuanyouqitayinzideshu45. consecutive number lianxuzhengshu46. cubic meter lifangmi47. consecutive even integer lianxuoushu48. consecutive odd integer lianxuqishu49. cross multiply jiaochaxiangcheng50. cross section hengjiemian51. convex polygon tuduobianxing52. concave polygon aoduobianxing53. coefficient xishu54. cent meifen55. complete quadratic equation wanquanercifangcheng,ru + +1 = 056. complementary angle yujiao57. complementary function yuhanshu58. constant changshu59. cube lifangti,lifangshu60. cube root lifanggen61. central angle yuanxinjiao62. circle yuan63. clockwise shunshizhenfangxiang64. center of a circle yuanxin65. chord xian66. circular cylinder yuanzhuti67. congruent quandengde68. corresponding angle tongweijiao69. cardinal jishu70. centigrade sheshi71. compounded interest fuli72. circumference zhouchang73. concentric circles tongxinyuan74. circle graph shanmiantu,yuanxingtu75. cumulative graph leijitu76. coordinate system zuobiaoxi77. coordinates zuobiaoxi78. coordinates zuobiao79. cone yuanzhui ( tiji = ?h )80. combination waiqie81. combination zuhe82. dime yijiaoyingbi83. divisible kebeizhengchude,ru 10 is divisible by 584. decrease jianshao85. decrease to jianshaodao86. decrease by jianshaoliao87. decimal xiaoshu88. decimal point xiaoshudian89. decimal fraction chunxiaoshu90. decimal arithmetic shijinzhiyunsuan91. decimal system, decimal scale shijinzhi92. denote daibiao,biaoshi93. denominator fenmu94. define dingyi,huajian95. difference cha96. digit shuzi97. direct proportion zhengbi98. divide chu99. divided evenly beizhengchu100. diagonal duijiaoxian101. depreciation zhejiu102. decagon shibianxing103. differential weifen104. discount zhekou105. depth shendu106. down payment zhijiefukuan107. diameter zhijing108. dimension daxiao,duliang(zhichang`kuan`gaodeng)109. distinct butongde110. dividend beichushu,hongli111. division chufa112. division sign chuhao,xiexianfenshuhao(/)113. divisor yinzi,chushu114. dozen da(12)115. equivalent fractions dengzhifenshu116. equivalent equation tongjiefangchengshi,dengjiafangchengshi117. equivalence relation dengjiaguanxi118. even integer, even number oushu119. exponent zhishu,mi120. equation fangcheng121. equation of the first degree yicifangcheng122. endpoint duandian113. estimation jinsi114. edge leng115. equal xiangdeng116. equilateral triangle dengbiansanjiaoxing117. equilateral dengbianxing118. equilateral hyperbola dengzhoushuangquxian119. exterior angle waijiao120. extent weishu A plane figure is 2-extent130. exterior angles on the same side of the transversal tongpangwaijiao131. foot yingchi132. factor yinzi133. Fahrenheit huashi134. fraction fenshu135. factorable quadratic equation keyinshifenjiedeercifangcheng136. face of a solid litidemian137. Fourier series fulixiadingli138. Fourier transform fulixiabianhuan139. factorial jiecheng140. factorization yinshifenjie141. geometric mean jihepingjunshu,ru142. gross luo(= 12 da)143. geometric progression ( sequence ) dengbishulie144. greater than dayu145. gallon jialun(1 gallon = 4 quart)146. graph tu147. graph theory tulun148. geometry jihe149. hyperbola shuangquxian150. hexagon liubianxing151. hypotenuse xiebian152. inequality budengshi153. improper fraction jiafenshu,ru154. infinite decimal wuqiongxiaoshu155. increase zengjia156. increase to zengjiadao157. increase by zengjialiao158. interest lixi159. integer zhengshu160. inverse proportion fanbi161. irrational number wulishu162. incomplete quadratic equation buwanquanercifangcheng,ru: +4=0163. intercept jieju164. intercalary year (leap year) runnian(366tian)165. included angle jiajiao166. included side jiabian167. irrational wulishu168. intersect xiangjiao169. inch yingcun170. inscribed triangle neijiesanjiaoxing171. interior angle neijiao172. isosceles triangle dengyaosanjiaoxing173.inference tuili,tuilun174. infinitesimal calculus weijifen175. infinity wuqiongda176. infinitesimal wuqiongxiao177. integrable kejifende178. integral jifen179. integral calculus jifenxue180. integral domain zhenghuan,zhengyu181. integrand beijihanshu182. integrating factor jifenyinzi183. inverse function fanhanshu184. inverse daoshu185. least common denominator zuixiaogongfenmu186. least common multiple zuixiaogongbeishu187. least possible value zuixiaokenengzhi188. literal coefficient zimuxishu189. like terms tongleixiang190. length chang191. line zhixian192. less than xiaoyu193. line segment xianduan194. list price biaojia195. leg sanjiaoxingdezhijiaobian196. linear yicide,xianxingde197. linear algebra xianxingdaishu180. linear equation xianxingfangcheng,yicifangcheng181. linear function xianxinghanshu,yicihanshu182. linear transformation xianxingbiansun,yicibianhuan183. line graph xiantu184. line integral xianjifen185. minuend bujianshu186. markup (markdown ) zhangjia(jiangjia)187. minus ( take away ) jian,fu,fushu188. mixed decimal hunhexiaoshu189. mixed number daifenshu190. multiply ( times ) cheng191. minute fen(jiaodeduliangdanwei,60fenzi= 1 degree)192. margin lirun193. mid point zhongdian194. minor axis (tuoyuan)duanzhou195. minor zixinglieshi,zishi196. minimum zuixiaozhi197. multilateral duobiande198. multinomial duoxiangshi199. multiple beishu200. multiplicand beichengshu201. multiplication chengfa202. multiplier chengshu203. monomial danxiangshi204. midpoint zhongdian205. maximum jidazhi206. meter mi207. micron weimi208. mean pingjunshu209. mode zhongshu210. median zhongshu211. median of a triangle sanjiaoxingdezhongxian212. negative number fushu213. negative whole number fuzhengshu214. nickel wumeifenyingbi215. numerator fenzi216. numerical coefficient shuzixishu217. null set (empty set) kongji218. number line shuzhou219. number theory shulun220. numerical analysis shuzhifenxi221. natural logarithm ziranduishu222. natural number ziranshu223. nonagon jiubianxing224. nonnegative feifude225. normal matrix zhengguijuzhen226. odd integer, odd number qishu227. original equation yuanfangcheng228. obtuse angle dunjiao229. octagon bajiaoxing300. origin yuandian301. ordinate zongzuobiao302. ordinary scale shijinzhi303. opposite (zhijiaosanjiaoxingzhongde)duibian304. oblateness ( ellipse ) tuoyuanxing305. ordinal xushu306. overlap zhongdie307. oblique xiesanjiaoxing308. per capita meiren309. percentage baifenbi310. plane pingmian311. parentheses kuohao312. plane geometry pingmianjihe313.polynomial duoxiangshi314. parallel lines pingxingxian315. parallelogram pingxingsibianxing316. penny yimeifenyingbi317. pentagon wubianxing318. polygon duobianxing319. perpendicular chuizhi320. perimeter zhouchang321. Pythagorean theorem gougudingli322. pie chart shanmiantu323. profit lirun324. positive number zhengshu325. prime number zhishu326. power chengfang327. product ji328. proper fraction zhenfenshu329. proportion bili330. permutation pailie331. pyramid jiaozhuiti332. proper subset zhenziji333. prime factor zhiyinzi334. pint pintuo335. progression shulie336. quadrihedron sanjiaozhui337. quotient shang338. quadratic equation ercifangcheng339. quadrilateral sibianxing340. quadrant xiangxian341. quantic qici,duoyuanqiciduoxiangshi342. quart kuatuo(1 quart = 4 pints)343. quarter sifenzhiyi344. quartic equation sicifangcheng345. ratio bilv346. real number shishu347. retail price lingshoujia348. round off sishewuru349. root gen350. radical sign genhao351. radius banjing352. rectangle changfangxing353. regular polygon zhengduobianxing354. rhombus lingxing355. right circular cylinder zhiyuanzhuti356. right triangle zhijiaosanjiaoxing357. right angle zhijiao358. rectangular solid changfangti359. reciprocal daoshu360. radian hudu361. range zhiyu362. remainder yushu363. remote interior angle buxianglinneijiao364. rectangular coordinate zhijiaozuobiaoxi365. rational number youlishu366. rectangular hyperbola dengzhoushuangquxian367. recurring decimal xunhuanxiaoshu368. right circular cone zhiyuanzhui369. regular solid/regular polyhedron zhengduomianti370. regular pyramid zhenglengzhui371. regular prism zhenglengzhu372. root sign genhao373. round angle zhoujiao374. round to sishewuru375. sign fuhao376. simple ( common ) fraction jianfenshu377. solution set jieji378. square root pingfanggen379. subtract jian380. subtrahend beijianshu381. sum he382. sequence xulie,shulie383. similar terms tongleixiang384. slope xielv385. simple interest danli386. score 20387. Simultaneous equations lianlifangchengzu388. solution jie,daan389. set jihe390. sphere qiutiwenbiao( biaomianji )391. side bianchang392. segment of a circle huxing393. semicircle banyuan394. solid liti395. square zhengfangxing,pingfang396. straight angle pingjiao,ji180dujiao397. straight line zhixian398. surface area biaomianji399. supplementary angles bujiao400. solid geometry litijihe401. square matrix fangzhen402. square measure pingfangdanweizhi403. surface integral mianjifen404. scalene cylinder xiezhuti405. scalene triangle budengbiansanjiaoxing406. the extremes of a proportion biliwaixiang407. the means of a proportion bilineixiang408. tens shiwei409. tenths shifenwei410. trinomial sanxiangshi411. tangent qiexian412. transversal jiexian413. trapezoid tixing414. table biaoge415. tie binglie,daping416. triangle sanjiaoxing417. triangle inequality sanjiaobudengshi418. trigonometric function sanjiaohanshu419. trigonometry sanjiaoxue420. to the nearest sishewuru421. vertex ( vertices ) dingdian422. variable bianliang423. units gewei424. unit danwei425. weighted average jiaquanpingjunzhi426. vertical angle duidingjiao427. volume tiji428. width kuan429. whole number zhengshu430. vulgar fraction putongfenshu,yudecimal fraction xiangdui431. union bingji432. yard ma433. zero ling




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