James Heckman: Yeah. she may have a kid, she may like the kid, she plays with a kid, but she doesn't see the kid as a primary responsibility in the same way that a more traditional mother might in the past, where she would see herself as raising the child and in producing the kid and giving the kid values and shaping the kid in a traditional way. So we're really talking about the question of what, how it is we emerge as human beings. And the same now affects children skills. So if you count on the family as providing that formation of skills, teaching values to children, passing on cultural traditions, deciding, then yes, you can, you will have essentially, we know there's a lot of evidence that those early years are very important in shaping the skills of children. The brain develops very rapidly. It never stops developing.在同级别车里它的空间优势突出,它的前排空间能为驾驶者和乘客提供较为舒适的乘坐感受,头部和腿部都有一定的余量。后排空间表现也较为出色,尤其是在纵向空间方面,即使是成年人乘坐也不会感到特别拥挤,而且后排座椅可以灵活调整角度和放倒,进一步拓展空间。此外,其后备箱在常规状态下就有不错的容积,当后排座椅放倒后能形成一个非常大且较为平整的载货空间,在载人和载物方面都有较好的适应性。整体来说,在同级别车型中,新款途安 L 的车内空间具有一定优势。