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Smartphone Leader Xiaomi Unveils First EV SU7 in bid to Rival Porsche and Tesla原创2023-12-30 09:29·钛媒体APPBEIJING, December 28 (TMTPost)— China’s leading smartphone maker Xiaomi Corporation presented its most ambitous initiative in the automotive industry, completing its strategic vision of “Human x Car x Home” smart ecosystem.Credit:XiaomiXiaomi unveiled its first production electric vehicle (EV) model SU 7 at an event on Thursday, 1,003 days after the Chinese firm announced its EV-making plan. “Xiaomi’s goal is to make a dream car comparable to (those from) Porsche and Tesla,” founder and CEO Lei Jun said during his more than two-hour presentation. Lei explained SU stands for Speed Ultra in a post on the social media platform X earlier this week. While Lei said SU7 isn’t built to chase any specific competitor, the executive suggested the smart sedan will compete with the Porsche Taycan and Tesla’s Model S.The event focused on cutting-edge technologies that empower SU7, instead of the product release. Xiaomi underlined five core technologies in the EV era, including the e-motor, the battery, the hyper casting, the autonomous driving and the smart cabin. Xiaomi has engineered the SU7 to offer a level of driving performance that stands among the best in its class, including the Porsche Taycan Turbo, and has prioritized intelligent technology, drawing inspiration from the advanced systems in cars like the Tesla Model S, Lei Jun said. He noted choice of making a sedan reflects Xiaomi’s vision for car manufacturing: technology plus ecosystem and advanced mobile smart space. SU7 is positioned as a C-class high-performance tech ecosystem sedan.According to the Catalogue of New Energy Vehicle Models Exempt from Vehicle Purchase Tax (the 72nd batch) released by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) in October, SU7 series will be adopted two different types of batteries: one is the lithium iron phosphate battery made by BYD’s subsidiary Fudi Battery Co., Ltd, and another is Contemporary Amperex Technology Co. Ltd. (CATL)’s ternary lithium battery. The SU7 series are set to be powered by HyperOS, Xiaomi’s new operating system rolled out late October. The vehicles will be made in its own facility and the production qualification was provided by Beijing Automotive Group Off-road Vehicle Co.,Ltd., a unit of Chinese state-owned auto manufacturer Beijing Automotive Industry Holding Co. Ltd. (BAIC Group).At the event Tuesday, Xiaomi showcased the basic version SU7, namely, the rear-wheel-drive variant, backed by BYD’s LFP battery, has a single electric motor, with the peak power of 220kW and the maximum speed of 210km/h. The battery allows vehicles to go 668 km under CLTC (China Light-Duty Vehicle Test Cycle) standard on a charge and take 5.28 seconds to accelerate from zero to 100 km/h. The CATL battery-powered premium variant will be a dual-motor setup that combines the front motor and the rear motor, which enables the vehicle to drive as fast as 265km/h. Moreover, it has a zero to 100km/h acceleration time of just 2.78 seconds, beating the Porsche Tycan Turbo, and officially join the “2 seconds Supercar Club” with a single step. The CATL battery, with a capacity of 101 kWh, delivers a CLTC range of 800 km.One of performance highlights is that SU7 has the lowest drag coefficient of only 0.195 Cd, the lowest among production models in the world. The sedan is based on in-house Modena Architecture with HyperEngine electric motors of up to 21,000rpm. The chassis is stamped by Xiaomi’s super die casting machines with a clamping force of 9,100 tons, outweighing that of Tesla. Another highlight is the smart cabin, which consists of a 16.1” central control screen with 3k resolution, the 56”HUD, or Head-Up Display, a 7.1” instrument panel for the driver, and two screens in the rear for passengers, which are Xiaomi tablets called Mi Pads. The cockpit operation system HyperOS is powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon 8295. Lei Jun said even iPhone users can tap into some of the Xiaomi car features, with support for for wireless CarPlay and AirPlay connectivity as well as iPad-mounting for rear passengers.SU7 is equipped with Xiaomi ’s self-developed autonomous driving technologies. The automated driving system (ADAS), Xiaomi Pilot, is powered by two Nvidia Orin-X chips with 508 TOPs computing power. The self-driving technologies are developing very fast, and for Xiaomi, starting late has its advantages as the company can work from a higher threshold and build from there, Lei Jun said. He stated the investment in the first phase for Xiaomi’s full-stack intelligent driving technology totaled RMB3.8 billion, and the company has invested RMB4.7 billion more in the technology. Xiaomi aims to complete autonomous driving tests in 100 cities across China by the end of 2024, and become the leading player in the autonomous driving sector in the same one-year period.Xiaomi announced in March, 2021 to set up a wholly owned subsidiary to make EVs, with the initial investment of RMB10 billion and the total input in the coming decade expected amount to US$10 billion. Lei Jun said in March that his company aims to become one of the top five automakers in the world within the coming 15 to 20 years. He then revealed late October that the company plans to launch its car in the first half of next year, without giving any details. In an interview with China Central Television (CCTV) earlier this month, Lei said Xiaomi invested in 3,400 engineers and the research and development (R&D) spending totaled more than RMB10 billion. He added that Xiaomi has input out-sized resources in its first EV model, ten times of that traditional automakers invest in a model.At Tuesday’s event, Xiaomi offers three colors for SU7 including Aqua Blue, Mineral Gray and Verdant Green. It didn’t disclose launch timetable or price tag. Lei Jun reiterated Xiaomi wants to turn into the top five automobile club in the world in the next 15 to 20 years. He ruled out the low pricing. It’s impossible to set a price of RMB99,000 or RMB149,000, Lei said. He noted vehicles powered by batteries with the same specs as SU7 are sold for more than RMB400,000 at average. “Let’s show respect for the underlying technology ,” Lei said.At the post on X this week, Lei Jun said SU7 is in trial production and it will hit the domestic market in a few months. “The price has not been finalized yet, but we promise it will exceed your expectations,” according to Lei.但实际上通过李逵的语言也能够看出他和宋江是完全不一样的人,他对朝廷是没有那一颗忠义之心的,他之所以跟随宋江南征北战完全就是因为他对宋江的忠心。这件事也为之后李逵的悲剧埋下伏笔,正是因为李逵太过于忠义,让宋江不放心。

2.zhongxinwang-2015.06.07-《nanjing86suilaorenzaizhangaokao lianxu15nianzhiweidaxuemeng》zengjingliaojieguobiyadisongyangsanrecailiao,yaotongshidadaojueyuan,sanrekuai,qing,burongyibianxing,qiangduyouyidingyaoqiu,huanyaochengbendi


shoufa2024-06-06 13:27·reaishenghuodelaolijiemeikeji(002859)5yue29riwanjiangonggao,gongsiciqiangonggao,nitouzijianshejiemeikejihuanandiquchanyanzongbujidixiangmu,xiangmuzongtouzi3yiyuan。gongsinijianglixingmochannengyouyuanjihuadenianchanneng1yipingfangmitishengzhinianchanneng2yipingfangmi,nizhuijiaxiangmuzongtouzi2.5yiyuan。


如果皮疹泛发,瘙痒剧烈,外涂药物疗效欠佳,则建议患者尽早前往皮肤科门诊就诊。李易峰与吴亦凡的塌房事件,早在2016年就埋下了伏笔2022-09-11 19:18·桃红梨白求锤得锤,昨天辟谣了一整天的李易峰方,迎来了警方通告,随即被央媒转发。据@平安北京 :近期,北京警方在侦破一起违法犯罪案件中,将演员李某某(男,35岁)查获,该人对多次嫖娼的违法事实供认不讳,其已被依法予以行政拘留。记者通过权威渠道了解到,李某某为李易峰。嫖娼,我的眼睛脏了......耐人寻味的是,李易峰跟前四大顶流的吴亦凡是好友,如今前后脚人设崩塌、甚至沦为法制咖,只能说臭味相投了。其实,两人的塌房事件,在2016年就埋下了伏笔。网红小G娜跟吴亦凡腻歪一段时候后,发现约不上吴亦凡了,为了见吴亦凡,从加拿大飞回国内,吴亦凡却留下小G娜“独守空房”,态度也越来越冷淡,女方终于忍不住发了微博,引爆了“YP门”。跟“吴亦凡YP事件”差不多同样时间,李易峰也经历了与杨幂闹绯闻、车祸逃逸等一系列事件。有网友调侃:《老炮儿》真是一出好戏,参演的两个小鲜肉都出事了。都是颜值担当、自带流量、占尽资源优势和粉丝宠爱的当红小生,为什么忽然就开始人设崩塌了?首先,明星认错不诚恳,团队形象打造不给力。被“小G娜”爆出交往过程时,吴亦凡跟这位女网友还是“一对一”的关系,一对年轻男女释放荷尔蒙,倒很正常,可一夜之间又被曝出与多位女性关系暧昧,关系就变成“一对多”,事件的性质也不一样了。吴亦凡方发声明要告爆料的微信号,唯独没说要告(自称是吴亦凡女朋友的)“小G娜”。这种避开主要事实、指东打西的手法,被网友解读为“打脸”。但,贵圈并不是法外之地,在证据面前吴亦凡的违法手段终于暴露,2021年8月16日,吴亦凡涉嫌强奸被批准逮捕。贵圈向来声明满天飞,最后大多不了了之,因为声明其实不具有法律效力。发了声明,基本上就不会诉诸法律了。这种做做样子、造造声势的做法,还加了句“我是凡人”,摆明了自知理亏。这么一弄,吴亦凡之前的完美偶像形象出现了裂缝。李易峰那边也是几乎黑化套餐上身的感觉,一搜出来都是这样新闻:绯闻风波还悬着,交通事故又接踵而至,而且处理得同样不够理想。2016年,5月27日凌晨,李易峰开着兰博基尼跑车在北京的马路上撞上桥墩。当天,李易峰还坐飞机出国开工,经纪人先否认,后承认,说法前后不一。除了可以看出艺人对交通规则比较淡漠,团队也明显没有跟艺人做好沟通工作。其次,粉丝的行为看起来是在支持偶像,其实是在给偶像减分。出了事之后,吴亦凡的铁杆粉丝先是通过种种技术手段进行反驳,接着列出各种证据力挺偶像,带着原谅甚至心疼的态度打出“永远支持你!与你同在”的口号,更有粉丝表示“只有过气的明星才没有负面!”偶像做错了事,不去批评教育,还给他灌鸡汤。粉丝护主可以理解,但尺度确实是最需要解决的问题。粉丝甚至逼换了李易峰经纪人,要知道,经纪人对艺人的事业走向影响很大,而换经纪人这样的大事,更要慎重再慎重。这两位小鲜肉,在业内被称为“流量小生”。因为都拥有众多的粉丝基数,当封面的杂志销量、参演电影的观影人数,往往会有很好的成绩。拍高逼格文艺片的老徐,起用当时刚回国的吴亦凡担纲电影男主角,不排除是为了票房号召力考虑。数量庞大的粉丝,很多时候已经不仅是站在明星背后的人,而是可以引导话题、帮助艺人拿下人气奖、甚至一定程度上影响艺人走势。之前带过周迅和小鲜肉的经纪人就对比过,就对比过:周迅的粉丝对她是欣赏的态度,哪怕跟本人见面,也就是点个头;小鲜肉这边,做每一件事都要提前考虑到粉丝的感受。可是,粉丝可以给偶像带来出色的数据,作品才是给艺人增值的资本。很多人聊到顶流小鲜肉时,一致反映是:资源太好。因为初涉大银幕,合作的导演就是徐静蕾、管虎这个级别的,以至于他被称为“大导演收割机”。可是,除了铁杆粉丝,你在不百度的情况下,还记得《有一个地方只有我们知道》中,他的角色叫什么名字吗?《老炮儿》中,更让人看得入味的,也是冯小刚、张涵予们火花四射的演出吧?吴亦凡的表现,更像是杂志封面、歌曲MV,画面是养眼的,可是在个人魅力和角色魅力无法交融的情形下,进入不了人心。同一部电影里,李易峰的情绪变化不够明显,也让不少网友觉得有点遗憾。两位“小炮儿”都没有经历过正规的表演教育,但出于市场的考量,又肩负着“扛票房”的压力,能力上是有断层的。影视行业都在掐尖儿抢夺流量小生,少了调教年轻演员的时间,这也让小鲜肉们的进步要来得缓慢一些。可是,如果没有小鲜肉,娱乐圈将会多寡淡啊!娱乐圈需要小鲜肉,小鲜肉如何自我保值呢?只能说:该税的税,不该睡的不睡,别让自己沦为法制咖。...列表冲十里桃花待君来许长安萧天绝免费阅读冲新笔趣阁


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