写在最后,开车不喝酒,喝酒不开车,不仅仅是对自己负责,也是对他人负责。品读金庸武侠小说中的诗词,感受刀光剑影之外的侠骨柔情!2018-09-05 08:53·我平凡的生活记录“问世间,情为何物,直教人生死相许。”“相思相见知何日,此时此夜难为情。”“塞上牛羊空许约,烛畔鬓云有旧盟。”……一句句,刻的是何处相思,话的又是谁的人生?金庸的武侠世界里,有刀光剑影的江湖天下,更有缠绵悱恻的爱恨情仇。金庸武侠中的诗词,你最爱哪一首?致那些年疯狂看金庸武侠的岁月!射雕英雄传瑛姑和老顽童的定情之词《四张机》出自《九张机》:九张机(节选)【宋】无名氏四张机,鸳鸯织就欲双飞,可怜未老头先白。春波碧草,晓寒深处,相对浴红衣。七张机(黄蓉赠郭靖)金庸七张机,春蚕吐尽一生丝,莫教容易裁罗绮。无端剪破,仙鸾彩凤,分作两边衣。九张机(黄蓉赠郭靖)金庸九张机,双飞双叶又双枝,薄情自古多别离。从头到底,将心萦系,穿过一条丝。神雕侠侣李莫愁所唱“问世间,情是何物……”出自《摸鱼儿·雁丘词》:《摸鱼儿·雁丘词》【金】元好问问世间,情是何物,直教生死相许?天南地北双飞客,老翅几回寒暑?欢乐趣,离别苦,就中更有痴儿女。君应有语,渺万里层云,千山暮雪,只影向谁去?横汾路,寂寞当年箫鼓,荒烟依旧平楚。招魂楚些何嗟及,山鬼暗啼风雨。天地妒,未信与,莺儿燕水俱黄土。千秋万古,为留待骚人,狂歌痛饮,来访雁丘处。程英所写“既见君子,云胡不喜?”出自:《诗经·郑风·风雨》风雨凄凄,鸡鸣喈喈。既见君子,云胡不夷?风雨潇潇,鸡鸣胶胶。既见君子,云胡不瘳?风雨如晦,鸡鸣不已。既见君子,云胡不喜?程瑛吟:“问花花不语,为谁落,为谁开……”出自:《木兰花慢.西湖送春》【元】梁曾问花花不语,为谁落,为谁开。算春色三分,半随流水,半入尘埃。人生能几欢笑,但相逢、尊酒莫相催。千古幕天席地,一春翠绕珠围。彩云回首暗高台,烟树渺吟怀。拚一醉留春,留春不住,醉里春归。西楼半帘斜日,怪衔春、燕子却飞来。一枕青楼好梦,又教风雨惊回。李莫愁对小龙女感叹:“易求无价宝,难得有心郎”。该句出自《赠邻女(一作寄李亿员外)》:《赠邻女(一作寄李亿员外)》【唐】鱼玄机羞日遮罗袖,愁春懒起妆。易求无价宝,难得有心郎。枕上潜垂泪,花间暗断肠。自能窥宋玉,何必恨王昌。第四十回《华山之巅》结尾词出自《三五七言》:《三五七言》【唐】李白秋风清,秋风明,落叶聚还散,寒鸦栖复惊。相思相见知何日,此时此夜难为情。天龙八部少年游金庸青衫磊落险峰行,玉壁月华明。马疾香幽,崖高人远,微步縠纹生。谁家子弟谁家院,无悔计多情。虎啸龙吟,换巢鸾凤,剑气碧烟横。苏幕遮金庸向来痴,从此醉。水榭听香,指点群豪戏。剧饮千杯男儿事。杏子林中,商略平生义。昔时因,今日意。胡汉恩仇,须倾英雄泪。虽万千人吾往矣。悄立雁门,绝壁无余字。破阵子金庸千里茫茫若梦,双眸粲粲如星。塞上牛羊空许约,烛畔鬓云有旧盟。莽苍踏雪行。赤手屠熊搏虎,金戈荡寇鏖兵。草木残生颅铸铁,虫豸凝寒掌作冰。挥洒缚豪英。洞仙歌金庸输赢成败,又争由人算!且自逍遥没谁管。奈天昏地暗,斗转星移。风骤紧,缥缈峰头云乱。红颜弹指老,刹那芳华。梦里真真语真幻。同一笑,到头万事俱空。糊涂醉,情长计短。解不了,名缰系嗔贪。却试问,几时把痴心断?水龙吟金庸燕云十八飞骑,奔腾如虎风烟举。老魔小丑,岂堪一击,胜之不武。王霸雄图,血海深恨,尽归尘土。念枉求美眷,良缘安在?枯井底,污泥处。酒罢问君三语,为谁开,茶花满路?王孙落魄,怎生消得,杨枝玉露?敝屣荣华,浮云生死,此身何惧!教单于折箭,六军辟易,奋英雄怒!枯荣为保定帝剃度所吟金庸一微尘中入三昧,成就一切微尘定。而彼微尘亦不增,於一普现难思刹。殷素素所唱《山坡羊》出自:《孽海记·思凡》他与咱,咱与他,两下里多牵挂。冤家,怎能够成就了姻缘,就死在阎王殿前,由他把那杵来舂,锯来解,把磨来挨,放在油锅里去炸。唉呀由他!只见那活人受罪,哪曾见过死鬼带枷?唉呀由他!火烧眉毛,且顾眼下。火烧眉毛,且顾眼下。小昭所唱散曲金庸世情推物理,人生贵适意,想人间造物搬兴废。吉藏凶,凶藏吉。富贵那能长富贵?日盈昃,月满亏蚀。地下东南,天高西北,天地尚无完体。展放愁眉,休争闲气。今日容颜,老于昨日。古往今来,尽须如此,管他贤的愚的,贫的和富的。到头这一身,难逃那一日。受用了一朝,一朝便宜。百岁光阴,七十者稀。急急流年,滔滔逝水。书剑恩仇录陈家洛香冢(香香公主墓)之题词金庸浩浩愁,茫茫劫。短歌终,明月缺。郁郁佳城,中有碧血。碧亦有时尽,血亦有时灭。一缕香魂无断绝。是耶非耶?化为蝴蝶!玉如意所唱小曲金庸终日奔忙只为饥,才得有食又思衣。置下绫罗身上穿,抬头却嫌房屋低。盖了高楼并大厦,床前缺少美貌妻。飞狐外传圆性(袁紫衣)所念佛偈:一切恩爱会,无常难得久。生世多畏惧,命危于晨露。由爱故生忧,由爱故生怖。若离于爱者,无忧亦无怖。前四句由西晋的竺法护法师译的《佛说鹿母经》剪裁修改而成:一切恩爱会,皆由因缘合。合会有别离,无常难得久。 今我为尔母,恒恐不自保。生世多畏惧,命危于晨露。后四句出自唐代义净法师译的《佛说妙色王因缘经》。雪山飞狐苗若兰与胡斐弹唱对答,为《乐府诗集·相和歌辞十一·善哉行》,无名氏作。来日大难,口燥舌干。今日相乐,皆当喜欢。经历名山,芝草翻翻。仙人王乔,奉药一丸。自惜袖短,内手知寒。惭无灵辄,以报赵宣。月没参横,北斗阑干。亲交在门,饥不及餐。 欢日尚少,戚日苦多,以何忘忧?弹筝酒歌。淮南八公,要道不烦,参驾六龙,游戏云端。碧血剑五律金庸浡泥沧海外,立国自向年。夏冷冬生热,山盘地自偏。积修崇佛教,扶醉待宾贤。取信通商舶,遗风事可传。侠客行小说开篇引诗《侠客行》【唐】李白赵客缦胡缨,吴钩霜雪明。银鞍照白马,飒沓如流星。十步杀一人,千里不留行。事了拂衣去,深藏身与名。闲过信陵饮,脱剑膝前横。将炙啖朱亥,持觞劝侯嬴。三杯吐然诺,五岳倒为轻。眼花耳热后,意气素霓生。救赵挥金槌,邯郸先震惊。千秋二壮士,烜赫大梁城。纵死侠骨香,不惭世上英。谁能书阁下,白首太玄经。图文均来自网络 涉及版权 联系删除
4. 我(Wo)们(Men)会(Hui)保(Bao)持(Chi)透(Tou)明(Ming),给(Gei)予(Yu)第(Di)三(San)方(Fang)独(Du)立(Li)监(Jian)督(Du)机(Ji)构(Gou)访(Fang)问(Wen)权(Quan)限(Xian),确(Que)保(Bao)我(Wo)们(Men)能(Neng)够(Gou)遵(Zun)守(Shou)承(Cheng)诺(Nuo)。
我要在全国最长的环形绿道上骑行!Smartphone Leader Xiaomi Unveils First EV SU7 in bid to Rival Porsche and Tesla原创2023-12-30 09:29·钛媒体APPBEIJING, December 28 (TMTPost)— China’s leading smartphone maker Xiaomi Corporation presented its most ambitous initiative in the automotive industry, completing its strategic vision of “Human x Car x Home” smart ecosystem.Credit:XiaomiXiaomi unveiled its first production electric vehicle (EV) model SU 7 at an event on Thursday, 1,003 days after the Chinese firm announced its EV-making plan. “Xiaomi’s goal is to make a dream car comparable to (those from) Porsche and Tesla,” founder and CEO Lei Jun said during his more than two-hour presentation. Lei explained SU stands for Speed Ultra in a post on the social media platform X earlier this week. While Lei said SU7 isn’t built to chase any specific competitor, the executive suggested the smart sedan will compete with the Porsche Taycan and Tesla’s Model S.The event focused on cutting-edge technologies that empower SU7, instead of the product release. Xiaomi underlined five core technologies in the EV era, including the e-motor, the battery, the hyper casting, the autonomous driving and the smart cabin. Xiaomi has engineered the SU7 to offer a level of driving performance that stands among the best in its class, including the Porsche Taycan Turbo, and has prioritized intelligent technology, drawing inspiration from the advanced systems in cars like the Tesla Model S, Lei Jun said. He noted choice of making a sedan reflects Xiaomi’s vision for car manufacturing: technology plus ecosystem and advanced mobile smart space. SU7 is positioned as a C-class high-performance tech ecosystem sedan.According to the Catalogue of New Energy Vehicle Models Exempt from Vehicle Purchase Tax (the 72nd batch) released by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) in October, SU7 series will be adopted two different types of batteries: one is the lithium iron phosphate battery made by BYD’s subsidiary Fudi Battery Co., Ltd, and another is Contemporary Amperex Technology Co. Ltd. (CATL)’s ternary lithium battery. The SU7 series are set to be powered by HyperOS, Xiaomi’s new operating system rolled out late October. The vehicles will be made in its own facility and the production qualification was provided by Beijing Automotive Group Off-road Vehicle Co.,Ltd., a unit of Chinese state-owned auto manufacturer Beijing Automotive Industry Holding Co. Ltd. (BAIC Group).At the event Tuesday, Xiaomi showcased the basic version SU7, namely, the rear-wheel-drive variant, backed by BYD’s LFP battery, has a single electric motor, with the peak power of 220kW and the maximum speed of 210km/h. The battery allows vehicles to go 668 km under CLTC (China Light-Duty Vehicle Test Cycle) standard on a charge and take 5.28 seconds to accelerate from zero to 100 km/h. The CATL battery-powered premium variant will be a dual-motor setup that combines the front motor and the rear motor, which enables the vehicle to drive as fast as 265km/h. Moreover, it has a zero to 100km/h acceleration time of just 2.78 seconds, beating the Porsche Tycan Turbo, and officially join the “2 seconds Supercar Club” with a single step. The CATL battery, with a capacity of 101 kWh, delivers a CLTC range of 800 km.One of performance highlights is that SU7 has the lowest drag coefficient of only 0.195 Cd, the lowest among production models in the world. The sedan is based on in-house Modena Architecture with HyperEngine electric motors of up to 21,000rpm. The chassis is stamped by Xiaomi’s super die casting machines with a clamping force of 9,100 tons, outweighing that of Tesla. Another highlight is the smart cabin, which consists of a 16.1” central control screen with 3k resolution, the 56”HUD, or Head-Up Display, a 7.1” instrument panel for the driver, and two screens in the rear for passengers, which are Xiaomi tablets called Mi Pads. The cockpit operation system HyperOS is powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon 8295. Lei Jun said even iPhone users can tap into some of the Xiaomi car features, with support for for wireless CarPlay and AirPlay connectivity as well as iPad-mounting for rear passengers.SU7 is equipped with Xiaomi ’s self-developed autonomous driving technologies. The automated driving system (ADAS), Xiaomi Pilot, is powered by two Nvidia Orin-X chips with 508 TOPs computing power. The self-driving technologies are developing very fast, and for Xiaomi, starting late has its advantages as the company can work from a higher threshold and build from there, Lei Jun said. He stated the investment in the first phase for Xiaomi’s full-stack intelligent driving technology totaled RMB3.8 billion, and the company has invested RMB4.7 billion more in the technology. Xiaomi aims to complete autonomous driving tests in 100 cities across China by the end of 2024, and become the leading player in the autonomous driving sector in the same one-year period.Xiaomi announced in March, 2021 to set up a wholly owned subsidiary to make EVs, with the initial investment of RMB10 billion and the total input in the coming decade expected amount to US$10 billion. Lei Jun said in March that his company aims to become one of the top five automakers in the world within the coming 15 to 20 years. He then revealed late October that the company plans to launch its car in the first half of next year, without giving any details. In an interview with China Central Television (CCTV) earlier this month, Lei said Xiaomi invested in 3,400 engineers and the research and development (R&D) spending totaled more than RMB10 billion. He added that Xiaomi has input out-sized resources in its first EV model, ten times of that traditional automakers invest in a model.At Tuesday’s event, Xiaomi offers three colors for SU7 including Aqua Blue, Mineral Gray and Verdant Green. It didn’t disclose launch timetable or price tag. Lei Jun reiterated Xiaomi wants to turn into the top five automobile club in the world in the next 15 to 20 years. He ruled out the low pricing. It’s impossible to set a price of RMB99,000 or RMB149,000, Lei said. He noted vehicles powered by batteries with the same specs as SU7 are sold for more than RMB400,000 at average. “Let’s show respect for the underlying technology ,” Lei said.At the post on X this week, Lei Jun said SU7 is in trial production and it will hit the domestic market in a few months. “The price has not been finalized yet, but we promise it will exceed your expectations,” according to Lei.亚洲补惫,叁级片,色...上原触岛国片触日本触混血儿触美女触花恋触辣妹冲手机网易网
日前榆林市优化提升营商环境工作领导小组办公室发文公布2023年度榆林市营商环境典型案例评选结果由榆林市自然资源和规划局选送的《做好国土空间一张图 提升优化营商环境新能力》获评市级部门营商环境典型案例第一名