上海话里这么多“头”和“脚”,你知道是啥意思吗?2020-01-12 09:11·上海发布上海话形象、生动、有意思,体现在很多词中——侬晓得上海话里的“头”和“脚”也能表现“辰光”吗?仔细想想,阿拉常说的“后头来”“钟头”“日脚”“尴尬头”等词,是不是就跟时间的表述密不可分?今朝,小布为你盘点这些特别的“头头脚脚”,赶快来看↓点击收听上海话里的“头头脚脚”~上海话里的“时间”表达来自上海发布00:0000:49钟头日脚日头日脚前脚……后脚……末脚起先头早先头后头来忙头里辣末生头尴尬头小日脚大家来讲上海闲话没想到上海话里的“头头脚脚”与“辰光”关系如此密切,太神奇了!你还有补充的例子吗?欢迎在留言里告诉小布~今朝,互动环节小布照例给大家带来一首古诗,你能念准确吗?有兴趣的童鞋赶紧来挑战!《伊州歌》唐·盖嘉运打起黄莺儿,莫教枝上啼。啼时惊妾梦,不得到辽西。会读的小伙伴欢迎在微信对话框界面将你读的内容回复给小布,小布将选取一些网友作为示例,一起端字正音哦!一起来试试吧!
zheqizhongjiuyouzhejiangxuebazhangzhenyu,zuoweixuexiaoyoumingdexueba,zhangzhenyuyizhidushilaoshiyanzhongqinghuabeidadehaomiaozi,ranergaokaochengjifangbanghou,zhangzhenyuquezaicixianruyulunzuowo,dangranbushizhangzhenyukaodetaicha,ershikaodetaihao,taiyouzhengyi!meiri20geyingyudanci2020-05-14 06:48·kuailedejinjiezuo1. lantern [?l?nt?n]n.denglong,tideng,hangbiaodeng;vt.zhuangshangtidenga light inside a container which has a handle for holding it or hanging it up, or the container itselfcankaoliju:1. This is a Chinese lantern. zheshizhongguodedenglong。2. The lantern hanging overhead swung in the wind. diaozaigaochudedengzaifengzhongyaodong。2. oil [??l]n.you,youhuayanliao;vt.tuyou,ronghua,vi. ronghua;jiaranyoua thick liquid that comes from under the Earth's surface which is used as a fuel and for making parts of machines move easilycankaoliju:1. China is rich in oil resources. zhongguodeshiyouziyuanfengfu。2. It might need some oil. tadagaixuyaoyixieyou。3. approach [??pr??t?]n.jiejin,bijin,zoujin,fangfa,buzhou,tujing,tonglu;vt.jiejin,dongshouchuli;vi.kaojinto come near or nearer to something or someone in space , time , quality or amountcankaoliju:1. They are very scientific in their approach. tamendefangfahenkexue。2. Our approach drove away the wild animals. womenyizoujinyeshouquandupaokailiao。4. combine [k?m?ba?n]vt./vi.(shi)jiehe;(shi)lianheto ( cause to) exist together, or join together to make a single thing or groupcankaoliju:1. China needs to find some way to combine the two systems. zhongguoyinggaixunqiuyizhongfangshi,jiangzheliangzhongzhidujiehezaiyiqi。2. We should combine work with rest. womenyinglaoyijiehe。5. apply [??pla?]vt.yingyong,shenqing;tu;vt.shizhuanxincongshi;vi.shenqing;youguanlianto request something, usually officially , especially by writing or sending in a formcankaoliju:1. I want to apply for the job. woxiangshenqingzhexianggongzuo。2. You may apply in person or by letter. niqinzihuotongxinshenqingjunke。6. condition [k?n?d??n]n.tiaojian,zhuangkuang,qingkuang,diwei;vt.diaojie,zhiyue,yi…weitiaojianthe particular state that something or someone is incankaoliju:1. The house is in a good condition. fangzitiaojianlianghao。2. His condition has more or less improved. tadeqingkuangduoshaoyouxiegaishan。7. silver [?s?lv?(r)]adj.yinsede,yinde;n.yin,yinbi,yinqi;vt.duyin,bianchengyinbaisea valuable shiny white metal that is used for making utensils (= knives , spoons , etc .), jewellery , coins and decorative objectscankaoliju:1. I like taking a walk under the silver moon. woxihuanzaiyinsedeyueguangxiasanbu。2. The family must come together for the parents' silver wedding. quanjiabixujuhuiqingzhufumudeyinhun。8. demand [d??mɑ:nd]vt.yaoqiu,qingqiu;yaoqiuzhidao,chawen;xuyao;n.(keshu)yaoqiu,qingqiu;(bukeshu)xuyao,xuqiuto ask for something forcefully , in a way that shows that you do not expect to be refusedcankaoliju:1. It is our demand that she should go there. tadaonaliqushiwomendeyaoqiu。2. This job makes a lot of demand on my time. zhexianggongzuoyaowofuchuhenduoshijian。9. enjoyable [?n?d????bl]adj.yukuaide;youqudeAn enjoyable event or experience gives you pleasurecankaoliju:1. We had a most enjoyable evening. womenduguoliaoyigefeichangyukuaideyewan。2. We want to make your stay as enjoyable as possible. womenxiangjinlianglingnidedouliuyukuai。10. respect [r??spekt]vt.zunjing,zunzhong;kaolv,zhongshi;n.(bukeshu)zunjing,zunzhong;jingyi,wenhou;kaolv,zhongshiadmiration felt or shown for someone or something that you believe has good ideas or qualitiescankaoliju:1. The new teacher soon won the respect of his students. zheweixinlaidelaoshihenkuaijiuyingdeliaoxueshengmendezunzhong。2. He did it quite without respect to the result. tazuozheshiyidianyebukaolvhouguo。11. failure [?fe?lj?(r)]n.shibai,shibaizhe;quefa,shiling;guzhang,pochan,shuhu;(mei)bujigewhen someone or something does not succeedcankaoliju:1. He thought of a reason to explain away his failure. taxiangchuyigeliyouweitadeshibaibianjie。2. The cake we made was somewhat of a failure. womenzuodedangaobudachenggong。12. production [pr??d?k?n]n.shengchan,chanpin,chanliang,zuopin,chengguothe process of making or growing goods to be soldcankaoliju:1. Production goes up faster this month. zhegeyuechanliangshangshenggengkuai。2. A famous actress is to play in our next production. yiweizhumingnvyanyuanjiangzaiwomenxiayigejubenzhongbanyanjiaose。13. pollute [p??lu:t]vt.wuran,baihuai,nongzangto make an area or substance , usually air , water or earth , dirty or harmful to people , animals and plants , especially by adding harmful chemicalscankaoliju:1. Factories are no longer allowed to pollute the air with black smoke. buzaiyunxugongchangdeheiyanwurankongqiliao。2. She thinks these books pollute the minds of children. tarenweizhexieshufushiertongdexinling。14. honour ['?n?(r)]n.(BrE)rongyu,touxian;xinyong,zunjing,mingyu;gexia;xunzhang;vt.zunjing,shouyurongyu;chengdui,shijiana quality that combines respect , being proud , and honestycankaoliju:1. Children should be taught to show honour to their elders. yinggaijiaoyuhaizizunjingchangzhe。2. She stands first on the honour list. tazaiguangrongbangshangmingliediyi。15. labour ['le?b?(r)]n.laodong,nuli,gongzuo;laogong,gongren;fenmian;vi.laodong,nuli,kugan;vt.xiangxifenxi,mafanpractical work , especially that which involves physical effortcankaoliju:1. He has loved labour ever since he was a child. tacongxiaoreailaodong。2. Labour creates the world. laodongchuangzaoshijie。16. salary [?s?l?ri]n.gongzi,xinshui,xinshang,xinjina fixed amount of money agreed every year as pay for an employee , usually paid directly into his or her bank account every monthcankaoliju:1. The cost will be stopped out of your salary. feiyongjiangcongnidegongzizhongkouchu。2. I want to speak to her in the matter of my salary. woxiangjiuwodexinshuiwentihetatantan。17. foggy [?f?gi]adj.youwude,mohudewith fogcankaoliju:1. London is a rainy and foggy city in Britain. lundunshiyingguoduoyuheduowudechengshi。2. Tomorrow it will be cold, cloudy, and foggy. mingtianjiangshiyigeduoyunyouwudehanlengtian。18. electricity [??lek?tr?s?ti]n.dian;dianxuea form of energy , produced in several ways , which provides power to devices that create light , heat ,cankaoliju:1. This room is lighted by electricity. zhegefangjianyongdianzhaoming。2. We use electricity to run machines. womenshiyongdianlilaiyunxingjiqi。19. punishment [?p?n??m?nt]n.chufa,xingfa,chengfawhen someone is punishedcankaoliju:1. Punishment had very little effect on him. chengfaduitameiyoushimexiaoguo。2. He thinks to escape punishment. taqitutaotuochengfa。20. warm-hearted [w?:m 'hɑ:t?d]adj.reqingde;fuyutongqingxindekind and lovingcankaoliju:1. She is very kind and warm-hearted. tahenheai,yehenreqing。2. He is a warm-hearted man, so we all like him. tashiyigerexinderen,suoyiwomenduhenxihuanta。
2024-07-10 19:21·全国党媒信息公共平台如果玫瑰回北京看望父母、哥哥嫂嫂,他第一个反应是:你到底是想去见谁啊?《邻家姐姐的味道》免费在线观看-福利片-电影天堂网(诲测迟迟)