2025年01月01日,Gucci竟公然卖“假货”?这让人情何以堪呀...2021-03-16 11:11·中国日报网当所有仿货都在努力掩饰自己的“身份”,力争自己和正品看起来无异时,古驰却开始卖“假货”。在古驰近期发布的新品中,大大的“FAKE”就写在包包的正上方,在向人们大声的宣布,我是古驰,我是不FAKE的假货。”[Photo/Gucci]They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and now Gucci has taken a tongue-in-cheek approach to beat counterfeiters at their own game.人们总说,模仿是最真挚的恭维,而如今古驰采取了一种幽默讽刺的方式,打压假冒伪劣产物。From jackets and jumpers to shoes and bags, the Italian fashion house is selling a range emblazoned with the words 'Fake' and 'Not'.从夹克、套头衫到鞋子和包,这家意大利时装店正在销售一系列印有“Fake(假)”和“Not(不)”字样的服装。But the 14-item collection will set shoppers back a lot more than a counterfeit, with prices ranging from ?1,460 to ?295.不过,这14件产物比假货更让购物者望而却步,因为它们的定价从295英镑(约合人民币2662元)到1460英镑(约合人民币13173元)不等。A backpack costs a whopping £1460, with fake placed on the front and not hidden on the back.一个背包的价格高达1460英镑,正面印着"Fake",背面印着"Not"。The Fake/Not sweatshirt and nylon cape will set shoppers back by ?690 and ?610 respectively, while a pair of trainers is priced at ?465.这个系列的运动衫和尼龙风衣的售价分别为690英镑(约合人民币6226元)和610英镑(约合人民币5504元),而一双运动鞋的价格则为465英镑(4196元)。[Photo/Gucci]The collection features a classic bicolor stripe first seen in the 1980s - the same time the Gucci's logo and signature motifs were thought to be first illegally appropriated.该系列采用了上世纪80年代出现的经典双色条纹——当时古驰的商标和标志图案首次被非法冒用。Gucci previously printed its name as Guccy in 2017 on items, reflecting the trend where imitation goods often misspell names. Since then, the logo has featured in several successful collections.2017年,古驰还曾在商品上印上"Guccy"字样,以此来映射仿制商品经常拼错品牌名字。从那时起,这个标志多次出现在大卖系列中。来源:沪江英语来源:沪江英语