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2024年12月14日,Smartphone Leader Xiaomi Unveils First EV SU7 in bid to Rival Porsche and Tesla原创2023-12-30 09:29·钛媒体APPBEIJING, December 28 (TMTPost)— China’s leading smartphone maker Xiaomi Corporation presented its most ambitous initiative in the automotive industry, completing its strategic vision of “Human x Car x Home” smart ecosystem.Credit:XiaomiXiaomi unveiled its first production electric vehicle (EV) model SU 7 at an event on Thursday, 1,003 days after the Chinese firm announced its EV-making plan. “Xiaomi’s goal is to make a dream car comparable to (those from) Porsche and Tesla,” founder and CEO Lei Jun said during his more than two-hour presentation. Lei explained SU stands for Speed Ultra in a post on the social media platform X earlier this week. While Lei said SU7 isn’t built to chase any specific competitor, the executive suggested the smart sedan will compete with the Porsche Taycan and Tesla’s Model S.The event focused on cutting-edge technologies that empower SU7, instead of the product release. Xiaomi underlined five core technologies in the EV era, including the e-motor, the battery, the hyper casting, the autonomous driving and the smart cabin. Xiaomi has engineered the SU7 to offer a level of driving performance that stands among the best in its class, including the Porsche Taycan Turbo, and has prioritized intelligent technology, drawing inspiration from the advanced systems in cars like the Tesla Model S, Lei Jun said. He noted choice of making a sedan reflects Xiaomi’s vision for car manufacturing: technology plus ecosystem and advanced mobile smart space. SU7 is positioned as a C-class high-performance tech ecosystem sedan.According to the Catalogue of New Energy Vehicle Models Exempt from Vehicle Purchase Tax (the 72nd batch) released by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) in October, SU7 series will be adopted two different types of batteries: one is the lithium iron phosphate battery made by BYD’s subsidiary Fudi Battery Co., Ltd, and another is Contemporary Amperex Technology Co. Ltd. (CATL)’s ternary lithium battery. The SU7 series are set to be powered by HyperOS, Xiaomi’s new operating system rolled out late October. The vehicles will be made in its own facility and the production qualification was provided by Beijing Automotive Group Off-road Vehicle Co.,Ltd., a unit of Chinese state-owned auto manufacturer Beijing Automotive Industry Holding Co. Ltd. (BAIC Group).At the event Tuesday, Xiaomi showcased the basic version SU7, namely, the rear-wheel-drive variant, backed by BYD’s LFP battery, has a single electric motor, with the peak power of 220kW and the maximum speed of 210km/h. The battery allows vehicles to go 668 km under CLTC (China Light-Duty Vehicle Test Cycle) standard on a charge and take 5.28 seconds to accelerate from zero to 100 km/h. The CATL battery-powered premium variant will be a dual-motor setup that combines the front motor and the rear motor, which enables the vehicle to drive as fast as 265km/h. Moreover, it has a zero to 100km/h acceleration time of just 2.78 seconds, beating the Porsche Tycan Turbo, and officially join the “2 seconds Supercar Club” with a single step. The CATL battery, with a capacity of 101 kWh, delivers a CLTC range of 800 km.One of performance highlights is that SU7 has the lowest drag coefficient of only 0.195 Cd, the lowest among production models in the world. The sedan is based on in-house Modena Architecture with HyperEngine electric motors of up to 21,000rpm. The chassis is stamped by Xiaomi’s super die casting machines with a clamping force of 9,100 tons, outweighing that of Tesla. Another highlight is the smart cabin, which consists of a 16.1” central control screen with 3k resolution, the 56”HUD, or Head-Up Display, a 7.1” instrument panel for the driver, and two screens in the rear for passengers, which are Xiaomi tablets called Mi Pads. The cockpit operation system HyperOS is powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon 8295. Lei Jun said even iPhone users can tap into some of the Xiaomi car features, with support for for wireless CarPlay and AirPlay connectivity as well as iPad-mounting for rear passengers.SU7 is equipped with Xiaomi ’s self-developed autonomous driving technologies. The automated driving system (ADAS), Xiaomi Pilot, is powered by two Nvidia Orin-X chips with 508 TOPs computing power. The self-driving technologies are developing very fast, and for Xiaomi, starting late has its advantages as the company can work from a higher threshold and build from there, Lei Jun said. He stated the investment in the first phase for Xiaomi’s full-stack intelligent driving technology totaled RMB3.8 billion, and the company has invested RMB4.7 billion more in the technology. Xiaomi aims to complete autonomous driving tests in 100 cities across China by the end of 2024, and become the leading player in the autonomous driving sector in the same one-year period.Xiaomi announced in March, 2021 to set up a wholly owned subsidiary to make EVs, with the initial investment of RMB10 billion and the total input in the coming decade expected amount to US$10 billion. Lei Jun said in March that his company aims to become one of the top five automakers in the world within the coming 15 to 20 years. He then revealed late October that the company plans to launch its car in the first half of next year, without giving any details. In an interview with China Central Television (CCTV) earlier this month, Lei said Xiaomi invested in 3,400 engineers and the research and development (R&D) spending totaled more than RMB10 billion. He added that Xiaomi has input out-sized resources in its first EV model, ten times of that traditional automakers invest in a model.At Tuesday’s event, Xiaomi offers three colors for SU7 including Aqua Blue, Mineral Gray and Verdant Green. It didn’t disclose launch timetable or price tag. Lei Jun reiterated Xiaomi wants to turn into the top five automobile club in the world in the next 15 to 20 years. He ruled out the low pricing. It’s impossible to set a price of RMB99,000 or RMB149,000, Lei said. He noted vehicles powered by batteries with the same specs as SU7 are sold for more than RMB400,000 at average. “Let’s show respect for the underlying technology ,” Lei said.At the post on X this week, Lei Jun said SU7 is in trial production and it will hit the domestic market in a few months. “The price has not been finalized yet, but we promise it will exceed your expectations,” according to Lei.
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新能源车降价,二手车商惨了!有车商亏3万也要出手,专家这样呼吁原创2023-02-16 19:23·每日经济新闻每经记者:王岩 每经编辑:裴健如“现在新能源二手车我们车行确实不太敢收了,市场波动实在是有点大。”日前,河北省保定市莲池区某二手车行销售刘冰(化名)对《每日经济新闻》记者说,特斯拉降价后,二手特斯拉成交量越来越低,客户持观望态度,担心特斯拉以后会不会继续降价。事实上,今年初特斯拉宣布大幅降价后,问界、小鹏汽车、广汽埃安、极氪等都官宣了相关新能源车型的降价信息,就连日系合资品牌广汽丰田日前也宣布对旗下纯电中型SUV bZ4X全系车型限时降价3万元。新能源汽车市场的“降价潮”,在新能源二手车市场引发了连锁反应,不少开展新能源汽车业务的二手车行都感觉到了寒意。“库存的燃油车在春节前就已经去了大半了,但是二手新能源车确实卖不动。”刘冰无奈地对记者说。据刘冰介绍,特斯拉等新能源二手车受到官方新车降价行为影响,售价较此前普遍下调了2万~3万元不等。作为保定市规模排名靠前的二手车行,刘冰所在的门店内有不下50个车位,春节前停放得满满当当的燃油车和新能源车,现在已售出大半,留下的十几个车位上,多是尚未出手的新能源二手车。刘冰的遭遇并非个例。记者在走访时发现,车价缩水、成交量下滑,是当前不少新能源二手车商面对的问题。“新车与二手车的价格是联动的,新能源品牌的降价行为,实际上打压了二手车的市场价格。当二手车价格产生较大波动时,对二手车商又会造成一定程度上的库存积压和资金占用。”汽车市场营销专家颜景辉对记者说,新能源新车价格的下调,会对新能源二手车市场产生较大影响。亏3万元出手,二手车商遭遇库存积压杨兰(化名)一直想要购入一台车况良好的二手特斯拉Model Y,但她迟迟没有下单。“年前就已经开始考虑了,但特斯拉突然降价,现在反而不敢买了。”杨兰向记者表示,“幸亏(我)当时没有下单,买二手车图的就是性价比,价格波动这么大,也吃不准将来会不会再降价。”与杨兰类似的消费者不在少数。刘冰告诉记者,近年来消费者对新能源车的认可度不断提高,新能源二手车也成了不少二手车商着力打造的新业务,但突如其来的新能源车“降价潮”让他没了信心。刘冰向记者举例道,以去年收的一辆特斯拉Model Y长续航车型的准新车为例,当时车主购车落地花费大概38万元,结合当时的市场行情和车况,收车价格约为28万元。“对原车主来说,亏10万确实算比较多了。但特斯拉降价之后,Model Y长续航版价格降了4.8万元,我们只能跟着降,车价现在已经调到25万了,比收车价还低了3万,亏钱也没办法,只希望能及时止损。”刘冰说。图片来源:每日经济新闻 郑得锐 摄(资料图)新能源二手车难出手带来的库存积压,也让部分二手车商头痛不已。保定市莲池区另一家二手车行的销售人员告诉记者,其门店内一台2021年款的特斯拉标准续航版Model Y,已经在手里压了两个月,最后倒赔2万多元才卖出去。在二手车市场遭受冷遇的并不只有特斯拉。刘冰向记者举例称,一辆车龄仅1年的小鹏P7,原车主购车带加装落地价为28万元,去年年底的二手收车价仅为14万元左右。而在小鹏汽车降价以后,二手收车价还可能再次下探。“现在哪怕赔钱,我们也希望能尽快清出二手新能源车的库存。拖得越久赔得越多,库存、资金都被积压,公司压力也不小。”刘冰表示,他所在的二手车行已经打算减少对新能源二手车业务的拓展。值得一提的是,2月10日,特斯拉中国官网显示,Model Y后轮驱动版车型售价上调2000元,由25.99万元涨至26.1万元。对此,一位北京地区二手车从业人员认为,仅一款特斯拉车型售价的小幅上涨,对二手车行情不会有太大影响,与之前汹涌的降价潮相比,这只不过是一朵不起眼的浪花。三年车龄电动车保值率仍偏低事实上,特斯拉主推的直营模式虽然在一定程度上提高了车价的透明度,但其产物价格调整缺乏预警,一旦新车价格下调幅度加大,很可能对该品牌的二手车市场造成较大冲击,不仅增加顾客的观望心态,还容易吸引消费者将目光转向新车。对此,全国乘用车市场信息联席会秘书长崔东树曾表示,新能源汽车品牌的直营模式,带来快节奏的新车价格波动,没有发挥经销商在其中的调节作用。经销商模式需要补充到新能源汽车的销售环节中,从而覆盖更大范围的市场。日前,中国汽车流通协会发布的《2022年度中国汽车品牌保值率报告》数据显示,部分纯电动车型的一年保值率与燃油车的三年保值率接近,但三年车龄的电动汽车的总体保值率仍然只有57.2%。对此,颜景辉认为,新能源车保值率之所以仍与燃油车存在不小差距,主要是因为相比燃油车,新能源汽车基数较低,发展时间较短,基础数据并不是特别充分,对于保值率的测算还有待进一步完善。另一方面,由于新能源车三大核心部件——电机、电池、电控的成本占到了车辆价格的一半以上,尤其是电池的衰减、损耗,更是消费者购买新能源二手车时重点关心的问题,而市面上针对新能源二手车核心部件的检测评估仍相对薄弱。2023年2月10日,北京市昌平区,北京亚运村汽车交易市场(每经记者 王岩 摄)此外,当前大部分新能源车企给予首任车主的终身质保、免费充电等权益,二手车主均不能享受。而不少消费者在咨询和购买二手新能源车时,担忧的往往也是续航衰减、电池质保期、电机损耗等核心部件的情况。所以,通过建立专业的检测机制,精准打消消费者对安全性、电机损耗、电池衰减等方面的顾虑,对于新能源二手车行业的健康发展尤为重要。“建立科学、公正、经得起市场考验的新能源二手车检测平台,完善新能源二手车的鉴定评估手段,提供更为准确透明的检测评估服务,为新能源二手车定价提供合理依据,既是新能源二手车诚信经营的重要方面,也能为今后新能源二手车市场健康经营提供更好的前提和基础。”颜景辉认为。每日经济新闻如果你还没打开AC按键的时候,压缩机的皮带轮像咱们日常见到的轴承一样,外面一圈在转,但中间一圈不跟着皮带轮转,那就是定频的空调。如果不管开不开AC都能看到压缩机的皮带轮一整个在转,那这个就是变频的空调。但很多人还不知道那个皮带轮是压缩机的,其实要找也很简单的,咱们在车内使用空调的时候,发动机舱内必然是有一根吕管是冰凉甚至表面有水珠的,这跟管连接的那个类似电机一样的部件就是空调的压缩机。