至于恰好出现在这两家公司一号位的张勇与孟晚舟,他们生于1970年代,那是近50年历史上,最具浪漫情怀的一代人。在他们作为掌门人也许是最好的年纪,他们近乎捏紧船舵,驾驶着由不得他们改变方向的巨轮。恕我直言!这些动漫角色的名字没人能全部念出来原创2018-03-24 20:11·萌娘ACG研究所日本动漫翻译过来,因为是直接拿日文的汉子,所以经常会出现各种生僻的字眼,这里就有很多人念错了。小编也有念错的时候,被人纠正过来还是蛮尴尬了,下面就一起来看看吧。四糸(sī)乃出自《约会大作战》中的人物,是第二精灵。其实这个读音很尴尬,首先第一眼看成了“系”,然后就读错了。经过朋友的纠正发现是“糸”字,结果就读成了“mì”。最后被网友科普一番,原来这是个多音字,而这里应该读作“sī”,真是一波三折。中野梓(zǐ)琴吹紬(chōu)这两个角色都是出自《轻音少女》,梓这个字倒是没那么少见,还是能念对,但还是有网友会读错,每次听到阿辛喵就就是有点难受。紬(chōu)这个字在中国这边就比较少见了,但在日本就经常会出现在人名当中,还是有很多人会读成“由”。三千院凪(zhǐ)《旋风管家》的女主角三千院凪,最后一个字的读音同“止”,看起来还有挺好认的,但也有可能是因为没看清的缘故,经常听到有人在喊三千院风。而事实上这个字在汉语中并不编入,所以并不存在标准汉语读音。右代宫留弗夫出自动漫作品《海猫鸣泣之时》,这个名字倒没有什么不认识的字,但就是念不出来,因为实在是太拗口了。不过这个也不会日式名字,我想日本人自己也念不出来吧。最后就是各种欧式名字,反正遇到这些我都只叫别名。全名的话,那就恕我直言:我读不出。比如下面这两个,你真的能不看的完整念出来吗?《零之使魔》中女主角:露易丝·法兰西斯·露·布朗·杜·拉·瓦利埃尔《星刻的龙骑士》中女主角:艾可·潘德拉贡·欧若拉·克丽斯塔·瑞纳·安吉利斯·伊利亚·劳伦斯·莉莉安奴·穆丽尔·屋大薇·萝贝尔蒂内·德·拉·罗斯·莱斯佩朗斯·范·孔波斯特拉·德·阿瓦隆
CATTI笔译词汇:诗词、谚语、成语2019-09-19 16:52·天之聪CATTI登高壮观天地间大江茫茫去不还As we stand high and look far, the unstoppable tide of history, like in a mighty river, surges ever forward.三十而立At 30, one has established himself.乘风好去长空万里直下看山河On wings of wind ’neath the boundless sky I fly,Overlook mountains and rivers from above high.国之交在于民相亲民相亲在于心相通Closer bond between the people is the key to enhancing state-to-state relations.不积跬步无以至千里;不积小流无以成江海A journey of one thousand miles can never be made without the accumulation of every single step;An ocean can never be vast without the contribution of every single stream and brook.食不厌精脍不厌细He was never tired of having his rice finely cleaned, or his minced meat cut quite small.王者以民为天民以食为天能知天之天者斯可矣What matters to a king is people, what matters to the people is food. He who understands what matters most will take the crown.烹羊宰牛且为乐会须一饮三百杯Kill a cow, cook a sheep and let us merry be,And drink three hundred cups of wine in ecstasy.天下没有不散的筵席All good things come to an end.我们都在努力奔跑我们都是追梦人We are running at full speed towards the realisation of our dreams.志合者不以山海为远nothing, not even mountains and oceans, can separate people who have common goals and vision.欲穷千里目更上一层楼by ascending another storey, you will enjoy a grander sight.天下大势浩浩荡荡顺之者昌逆之者亡The trend of the times moves on like a mighty river. It is our choice to go along and prosper, or go against it and perish.四十而不惑At forty, one has no doubts.海纳百川有容乃大The ocean is vast because it admits all rivers.万物并育而不相害道并行而不相悖All living creatures grow together without harming each other; all roads run parallel without interfering with one another.安居乐业a safe place to live and a secure job.一花独放不是春百花齐放春满园a single flower does not make a spring, as the beauty of spring lies in different flowers blossoming together.千淘万漉虽辛苦吹尽狂沙始到金Panning for gold is strenuous work, but from under the grains of sand the bright shine will be rewarding.命运不靠机缘而靠选择Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice.取势、明道、优术to seize the trend, know the way and hone the skill.泰山不让土壤故能成其大;长江不择细流故能就其深Mount Tai stands high because it does not reject a single grain of soil; the Yangtz River runs deep because it admits even the tiniest trickle of water.思想是行动的种子Thought is the seed of action.幸福都是奋斗出来的Happiness is earned through hard work.自古英雄出少年敢为强者天下先Every nation looks to its young and daring to lead the way forward.零和博弈zero-sum games.以邻为壑beggar-thy-neighbor.合则强、孤则弱strength through unity and weakness in isolation.明者因时而变智者随事而制A wise man changes as time and event change.察势者智驭势者赢Those who see the trend are wise and those who seize the trend will win.己欲立而立人己欲达而达人to establish oneself, help others establish themselves; to achieve success, help others succeed.交得其道千里同好a partnership forged with the right approach defies geographical distance.天下难事必做于易Every big thing starts with something small.浩渺行无极扬帆但信风Boundless is the ocean where we sail with favourable wind.计利当计天下利inclusive and think beyond narrow self-interest.高高下下天成景密密疏疏自在花Tall and short trees, and random blossoms,Varied and unrestrained is the beauty of nature.摸着石头过河Crossing the river by feeling the stones.一花独放不是春百花齐放春满园A single flower does not make a spring. The beauty of spring lies in different flowers blossoming together.一滴水可以反映出太阳的光辉Just as the sunshine is reflected in a drop of water.可口的晚餐不怕晚It is never too late to have a delicious supper.这是最好的时代这是最坏的时代;这是智慧的时代这是愚蠢的时代;这是信仰的时代这是怀疑的时代;这是光明的季节这是黑暗的季节;这是希望之春这是失望之冬It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.志之所趋无远勿届穷山距海不能限也For he who is unstoppably determined, there is no place too far to reach, no mountain too high to climb and no sea too vast to cross.百闻不如一见Seeing is believing.一棵树挡不住寒风a single tree cannot block the chilly wind.积力之所举则无不胜也;众智之所为则无不成也Victory is ensured when people pool their strength; success is secured when people put their heads together.功崇惟志业广惟勤Great accomplishments require ambition and tireless effort.九层之台起于累土a nine-storey tower rises up from a pile of soil.疾风知劲草烈火见真金Real gold stands the test of fire.山积而高泽积而长A mountain stands tall for it sits on solid rocks. A river runs long for it never stops taking in brooks and streams.地上本没有路有了走路的人也便有了路There is no path until people take the first step and create one.踏遍青山人未老前路更加美好Retirement is a new beginning. There is always a better view further down the road.