《电影青楼12房》完整版免费在线观看 - 红十字电影网
2024年12月20日,滴滴顺风车“复活”运营时间引发争议后又改了2019-11-08 13:07·中国日报网11月6日,滴滴顺风车在滴滴出行App公布了最新产物方案,同时宣布将于11月20日起在部分城市试运营。图片来源:视觉中国The trial of the hitchhiking service will start in the cities of Harbin, Taiyuan, Shijiazhuang and Changzhou from Nov 20 and cover Shenyang, Beijing and Nantong from Nov 29, Didi said.滴滴表示,顺风车服务将于11月20日起在哈尔滨、太原、石家庄以及常州,11月29日起在沈阳、北京和南通开始试运营。顺风车(ride sharing/hitchhiking service)只是网约车平台提供的众多服务之一,其他还包括专车(tailored taxi service)、快车(fast ride)、出租车(taxi hailing)、单车(bike sharing)、代驾(chauffeuring)、自驾租车(car rental)等。方案提到,试运营期间,将在上述7个城市首先提供5时至23时(女性5时至20时)、市内中短途(50公里以内)的顺风车平台服务。试运营期间,不收取信息服务费。不过,方案中对于女性乘客使用时间问题却引发了争议。当天下午,滴滴回应称:The relaunch is only a trial in limited regions, and that the hitchhiking service will continue to improve in line with feedback from the public.目前公布的是顺风车小范围试运行方案,未来正式上线的方案,将根据社会各方的意见反馈不断完善。滴滴出行总裁柳青也在微博致歉:11月7日晚,滴滴发布公告决定对顺风车试运营规则进行调整。The company said that it would offer Hitch service from 5 am to 8 pm for all users during the trial period.滴滴表示,试运营期间,对所有顺风车用户提供服务的时间均调整为5时-20时。"The change of the service time to between 5 am to 8 pm might not be the perfect solution. But it's the optimal choice after taking all conditions into consideration," the company said in a statement.该公司在声明中表示,“试运营时间调整为5点至20点一定不是最完美的方案,但确实是我们在各种条件下权衡做出的选择。”至于为何不将服务时间统一调整至23时,滴滴在公告中也进行了解释。The company said it had considered prolonging the Hitch service to passengers of both genders until 11 pm. But it said that during the time it was operating Hitch, it had seen a big increase in passenger complaints after 8 pm, so it decided on the more conservative operating hours for the test period.滴滴表示,也曾考虑过将运营时间统一调整为23点,但是根据顺风车过往安全投诉数据统计,20点以后的乘客投诉数量会激增,因此决定在试运营期间采用更加保守的方案。【相关词汇】分享经济 sharing economy共享汽车 car-sharing拼车 car pooling叫车软件 car-hailing app(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)来源:中国日报网
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