也有投资机构持完全相反的观点。富国银行分析师科林·兰根 (Colin Langan)发布报告称,该公司认为“需求下降和降价收益减少导致交付量增长下降”。他建议出售特斯拉股票。富国银行预计,由于今年“价格可能进一步下调、销量可能下降”,特斯拉汽车毛利率(不包括环境税收)将下降。
gongtongzhaoxunxiarimeihaobashoufa2024-07-01 11:21·xingwenliushui
houlaimanfuweiqudelaolaozhinengyibianmomokuqi,yibianmaiyuanzijimeiyong。zuihouweiliaobugeinvertianmafan,tashoushihaoxinglizhunbeihuilaojia。Last October, and actually last September as well, I was in Budapest for a conference that was held in which many different scholars came from around the world, looking primarily at the declining fertility rate in Eastern Europe. It's a very general phenomenon around the world. In countries like the Czech Republic and Hungary, the replacement rate and fertility were below replacement levels, substantially below. And many countries are deeply concerned about this, especially countries that are not willing to open their doors to migration. Migration is, we're below replacement in the United States. If you look at native-born Americans, people who are resident in America and have their children in America, but we have many immigrants coming. In fact, that's a problem now in the recent presidential election. But putting that to the side, traditionally, America has opened its doors. And so one way to increase the population and get a population that will support the welfare state and institutions like pay-as-you-go security, social security, these rely a lot on migration. And especially in the United States, we've had a lot of migration of unskilled labor. Traditionally, we've had a lot of skilled labor. So there's a big debate.