




「每日英文」寒潮暴雪新能源续航缩水30%让不少车主后悔2023-12-16 17:05·Robin成长屋每日英文晨读In recent days, a cold wave and heavy snowfall have hit many regions, posing a serious challenge to the range capability of new energy vehicles. According to reports, numerous owners of new energy vehicles have expressed their regret as the range of their vehicles has decreased by a significant 30%. This situation has garnered widespread attention and stirred up feelings of regret among many owners. However, it is important to objectively understand the truth behind this issue and explore possible coping strategies.近期寒潮暴雪袭击许多地区给新能源汽车的续航能力带来了严峻的考验据报道不少新能源汽车车主纷纷抱怨车辆的续航里程缩水了整整30%这一情况引发了广泛关注并激起了许多车主的后悔之情然而我们需要客观地了解这一问题的真相同时寻找应对之策每日英文晨读First and foremost, it should be clarified that the phenomenon of decreased range for new energy vehicles in low temperatures is not unique. This is mainly due to the impact of cold temperatures on battery performance. In colder temperatures, the reaction rate of the battery slows down, internal resistance increases, and the output capacity of the battery diminishes, resulting in a decrease in the range of the vehicle.首先我们需要明确的是新能源汽车在低温环境下续航能力下降的现象并非独特这主要是由于电池的性能受到了寒冷温度的影响在低温下电池的反应速率减慢内阻增加导致电池的电量输出能力减弱从而引发了续航里程的缩水现象每日英文晨读Furthermore, the extent of range decrease varies depending on different models of new energy vehicles and battery technologies employed. Some new energy vehicles use traditional lithium-ion battery technology, while others utilize new solid-state battery technology. Solid-state batteries perform better in low-temperature environments compared to traditional lithium-ion batteries, reducing the extent of range decrease. Therefore, future development may focus on promoting solid-state battery technology to enhance the range capability of new energy vehicles in low-temperature conditions.其次续航里程缩水的程度与不同的新能源汽车型号以及电池技术有关一些新能源汽车采用的是传统的锂离子电池技术而另一些车型则采用了新型的固态电池技术固态电池相对于传统锂离子电池来说在低温环境下的性能表现更为出色可以减少续航里程的缩水程度因此未来的发展方向可能是推广固态电池技术以提高新能源汽车在低温环境下的续航能力每日英文晨读How can vehicle owners cope with this issue? Firstly, it is important for owners to have a thorough understanding of the range performance of the vehicle in low-temperature environments before making a purchase. Secondly, owners can adopt certain measures to minimize the decrease in range. For example, preheating the vehicle and utilizing the preheating function to maintain the battery at an optimal temperature. Additionally, owners can opt for insulation measures such as using a carport or car cover when the vehicle is parked to reduce the impact of low temperatures on battery performance.对于车主们来说如何应对这一问题呢首先车主应该在购买新能源汽车前充分了解车辆在低温环境下的续航表现其次车主可以采取一些措施来减少续航里程的缩水例如提前预热车辆使用车辆预热功能以保持电池的适温状态此外车主还可以选择在车辆停放时使用保温措施如车棚或车套以减少低温对电池性能的影响每日英文晨读In conclusion, the phenomenon of a 30% decrease in the range of new energy vehicles during cold wave and heavy snowfall is not an isolated case but rather a common occurrence due to the influence of low temperatures on battery performance. Understanding the truth and seeking coping strategies are crucial in addressing this issue. With the continuous development of new energy vehicle technology, we have reasons to believe that the range capability in low-temperature conditions will improve, providing owners with a better user experience.总之寒潮暴雪下新能源汽车续航缩水30%的现象并非个例而是由于电池性能受到低温影响的常见情况了解真相寻找应对之策是解决这一问题的关键未来随着新能源汽车技术的发展我们有理由相信在低温环境下的续航能力会有所提升为车主们带来更好的使用体验








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