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【英语单词】自然常识-环境场景词汇2023-12-24 17:38·发优途fautu英语单词分好类超好背-15:自然常识-环境场景词汇①环境 environment [in?vɑi?r?nm?nt] n.②污染 pollute [p??lu?t] v.③污染 pollution [p??lu???n] n.④污染物 pollutant [p??lu?t?nt] n.⑤烟雾 smog [sm?g] n.⑥臭氧 ozone [??uz?un] n.⑦氧气 oxygen [??ksid??n] n.⑧浪费 waste [weist] v.⑨废品 waste [weist] n.⑩回收利用 recycle [?ri??sɑik?l] v.?天然气 gas [g?s] n.?石油 oil [?il] n.?煤炭 coal [k?ul] n.?电力 power [?pɑu?] n.?能源 energy [?en?d?i] n.?太阳能 solar energy [?s?ul? ?en?d?i] n.?核能 nuclear energy [?nju?kli? ?en?d?i] n.你一定要会说的Top10场景句1.环境正在被破坏。The environment is being ruined.2.这座城市的污染是一个非常严重的问题。The pollution in this city is a very serious problem.3.因为烟雾,我什么也看不见。I couldn't see anything because of the smog.4.我们的臭氧层处于危险之中。Our ozone layer is in danger.● in danger“处于危险中”5.这个包装是一种浪费。This packaging is a waste.6.你应该回收利用那个玻璃瓶。You should recycle that glass bottle.7.我们需要把车加满气。We need to fill the car with gas.8.他们停止了用煤取暖。They stopped using coal for heating.■ stop doing sth.“停止做某事”(stop to do sth.“停下来去做另一件事”)9.关灯节约能源。Save energy by turning off the light.● turn off“关掉(灯,煤气,水,电视等)”10.这个工厂用太阳能运转。This factory is run by solar energy.最近在读到《道德经》这句话的时候,才有所感悟。