
我和校花有个约会_第三十二章 李诺用嘴帮我弄_大大...鼻炎患者,晚上用嘴巴呼吸怎么办? - 知乎



我和校花有个约会_第三十二章 李诺用嘴帮我弄_大大...鼻炎患者,晚上用嘴巴呼吸怎么办? - 知乎



shoufa2024-07-01 05:24·zutanliaoqiuCATTIbiyikaoshicihuibibei:jingjilei2020-02-28 13:55·memoryxiaobeiCATTIkaoshizaiji,womenweidajiazongjieliaoyixiefanyikaoshizhongchangyongdebiaoda,xiwangnengyousuobangzhu。1. gei......dailaijiyuhetiaozhan present (bring) both opportunities and challenges to2. gei......dailaijijiyingxiang bring a more positive impact on3. geiyucaizhengzizhu support financially4. youjudaqianli have huge potential for5. kaifa / qingzuozhongguoshichang tap / favor the Chinese market6. shenqingzhuanli apply for a patent7. zuai......dejingjifazhan handicap (hamper) the economic development8. zengjianongyetouru invest more in agriculture9. youwangdadao(shangshengdao) be expected to reach (rise to, be up to)10. zaochenghendayali pose a big pressure on11. zhanlingshichang10% occupy (take, account for ) 10 percent of the market12. suoxiao.....jiandejuli narrow the gap between13. jiakuaijingjifazhanhejiegoudiaozheng speed up economic development and restructuring14. duohuishiqudeshichang take back lost market15. jianqing......defudan reduce (lighten) the burden of (on)16. caiqufanlongduancuoshi take anti-monopoly measures to17. jiakuainuli speed up efforts to18. zai......jianlifengongsi set up branches in19. cujingaige promote reform20. mianduikenengdeyalihejingzheng face possible pressure and competition21. chongfenliyong make full use of22. ba......lieweijibenguoce list…as fundamental national policies23. fahuizishenyoushi give full play to one’s advantages24. kaituoshichang exploit markets25. kuodaxiaofeishichang expand consumption market26. gaishantouzihuanjing improve the environment for investment27. jiaqiangfengxianfangfan prepare oneself against possible risks28. kuodapinfuchaju widen the gap between the rich and the poor29. wei......tigongjudashangji present huge business opportunities30. kuaisuwendingzengchang grow fast and steadily31. rang......chuyutongyiqipaoxian put… on the same platform and at the same starting point32. ganchaoxianjin surpass the advanced33. zunxunshichangjingjideguilv follow the law of market economy34. genjushichangzuochudiaozheng gear ourselves to the market orientation35. mouqubaoli seek excessive profits36. zuohaochongfenzhunbei make good preparations for37. dui......zaocheng/gouchengweixie form /pose a threat to…38. he......hezuo cooperate with39. he......jinyibuhezuo further cooperation with40. tigaogongwuyuangongzi raise the salaries of civil servants41. jisuanchuzhunquedegongzishuiping figure out an exact salary level42. he......youhezuoguanxi have cooperative ties with43. congguowaiyinjinxianjinjishu introduce from abroad the advanced technology44. youshenglietai select the superior and eliminate the inferior45. baozhengxiagangzhigongdejibenshenghuo guarantee the basic needs of laid-off workers46. qudifeifashouru ban unlawful incomes (ban illegal earnings)47. shenhuagaige deepen the reform48. kongzhitonghuopengzhang control inflation (keep inflation under control)49. rangweiyujingzhengxuyao give way to the need for competition50. xiang...touzijuezijin invest huge amounts of money into51. sunshicanzhong suffer great losses52. zhizaojiaxiang create smoke screens to do53. xianrukunjing land oneself in deep trouble54. xiyinwaishangtouzi attract foreign investment55. zhuazhujiyu seize opportunities56. shiying......defazhan adapt oneself to the development of57. beizhikongjieshouhuilu be accused of accepting bribes58. he......dacheng(qianding)xieyi reach(sign) an agreement with59. cujindiqujiandehezuo promote regional cooperation60. tuihuandaliangqiankuan give back an amount of money61. jubaofeifaxingwei disclose any illegal activities62. choujizugoudezijin raise enough funds63. caiqubutongdebanfa adopt various methods64. chengdanfengxian bear (take) risk65. chuangshouwaihui earn foreign exchange (currency)66. huoyueshichang enliven the market67. zaochengsunshi cause a loss to68. shifenzhongshi attach importance to69. zhiding......falv make a law of (to)70. dalifazhan strive to develop71. tigaojuminshenghuo improve residents’ standard of living72. tigaoguanlishuiping raise the management level73. jiaqiangguanli reinforce the management74. wanshanfuwu perfect services75. cijiguoneixuqiu stimulate domestic demand76. dapolongduan break the monopoly77. jiakuaijingzhengbufa accelerate the competition78. weidangdirendailaiduozhongjingjiheshehuixiaoyi bring multiple economic and social benefits to the local people79. youxianfazhangonggongyunshu give priority to the development of public transportation80. diaozhengchanyejiegou adjust the industrial structure




京东集团的新CEO许冉曾担任CFO,在财务方面有丰富经验。不仅如此,CFO线在整个京东人事变动中都处于C位。京东零售中最重要的3C事业群被拆分成家电家居事业群和电脑通讯事业群,其中家电家具事业群由原京东零售CFO李帅负责,原京东健康CFO曹冬也将在集团担任新的职务。余承东立荐称,作为一个曾开过多个豪华品牌车的人,我想告诉大家:AITO问界M5、M7系列具备超高的品价比、性价比。我和校花有个约会_第三十二章 李诺用嘴帮我弄_大大...鼻炎患者,晚上用嘴巴呼吸怎么办? - 知乎


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