App Store 上的“odak”葵司SSNI-567(中文字幕).torrent种子下载_作品葵司SSN...
2025年01月13日,Dr Tan See Leng: The Ministry of Manpower (MOM) and Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices (TAFEP) do not specifically track complaints based on the complainant’s perception of discrepancy between a job listing on MyCareersFuture compared to their hiring experience. However, MOM looks into every discrimination complaint and takes appropriate enforcement action against errant employers. In the past three years, MOM and TAFEP received a total of 446 complaints involving discrimination based on nationality. After investigation, MOM took enforcement action against a total of 34 companies for selecting a foreign candidate without considering candidates who applied via MyCareersFuture. Such enforcement action includes issuing a warning, mandatory corrective courses and debarment from hiring foreign workers.
App Store 上的“odak”葵司SSNI-567(中文字幕).torrent种子下载_作品葵司SSN...
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